Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ticket Booking System Of Indian Cinema Chains And...

A PROJECT REPORT ON TICKET BOOKING SYSTEM IN INDIAN CINEMA CHAINS AND IMPROVEMENTS MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Session 2013 – 2015 Submitted by MOHIT CHAUDHARY (13810050) DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,ROORKEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Any assignment puts to litmus test of an individual knowledge credibility or experience and thus sole efforts of an individual are not sufficient to accomplish the successful completion of a project. It involves interest and efforts of many people and so this obligatory on the part to record my thanks to those who helped me out in the successful completion of my project. Life is a process of accumulating and discharging debts, not all of those can be measured. We cannot hope to discharge them with simple words of thanks but we can certainly acknowledge them. At this level of understanding it is often difficult to completed and assimilate a wide spectrum of knowledge without proper guidance and advice. Hence, I would like to thank my advisor DR. ZILLUR RAHMAN, for sharing his time to guide me every week helping my project run smoothly. Finally, I would like to thank every committee member for guiding me in the project. Mohit Chaudhary Table of Contents TOPICS PageShow MoreRelatedMovie Exhibition 2013 Avengers6511 Words   |  27 Pagesthan $1 billion each in global ticket sales (see Exhibit 1). Behind the scenes, the success, even the fundamental health of the exhibition industry, is far less clear, however. Consider these contradictions: - Domestic ticket revenues grew 6 percent in 2012, but that volume ranks just 13th since 1980. 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