Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Reflection Paper On Time Management - 733 Words

This semester I learned a lot about the management process that takes place in healthcare organizations. The five concepts that resonated with me, along with how I feel they fit with the storyboard above are: planning, time management, organizing, staffing, controlling. Firstly, when I look at this picture I can see the fog and the lamp post. The reason I chose planning is because the benefit of planning allows the healthcare organizations’ goals to be organized and you can document the expectations and results (Barriga Patel, concept 3, slide 3). The picture lacks a clear goal and vision as the fog is covering up the view of the top of the lamp post, and if organizations do not plan well, their establishment can very much get fogged†¦show more content†¦The concept of staffing was one that I felt, could fit well with this picture as well. Assessing performance helps managers and employees know how they are doing and what they can do to reach new goals or current goals that are not yet met (Klebern, concept 6, slide 15). This related to the picture because, the traffic light stands as the assessment sheet, where red means not meeting expectations, yellow means meets expectations, and green would stand for exceeding expectations. The lamp post represents the height that the employee wants to reach. The light is red so the employee needs to work harder to reach his/her goals in order to reach the view at the top of the lamp post. Assessments can be scary, but it is important to know how you are doing, so that if there is something that needs to be improved on than it can be done so, sooner than later. This will help you get better at your job along with help the company, so it is a win for everyone. The last concept to fit this picture was of control. Control has to be just right (Clarke, concept 8, slide 4). A manager should be able to convey messages without being too overbearing or without coming off as someone who doesn’t care at all. The traffic light represents the balance of control as they have been set to allow enough traffic to keep moving at all times. Managers have to hold their ground and not be afraid to raise redShow MoreRelatedStr 581 Ethics Reflection Paper1378 Words   |  6 PagesRunning head: Ethics Reflection Paper Ethics Reflection Paper University of Phoenix |Content |General Comments | |The paper explains the role of ethics and |The key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. The content of your | |social responsibility in developing a |write up is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive. The conclusion is logicalRead MoreDeming 14 Point1156 Words   |  5 PagesInclude the plan in your paper. This paper is due at the end of Week Three of the course. Content, style, and grammar are all important to the grade. 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