Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Community Health Information Network Analysis free essay sample

Community Health Information Network Analysis D. Metoye Dr. G. Hanney May 30, 2010 MHA616 In today’s challenging environment of lowered reimbursements and narrowing margins, many independent health care organizations find it beneficial to align themselves with Community Health Information Network. Community Health Information Network or CHIN is a combination of telecommunication and network capabilities that links healthcare stakeholders throughout a community. (Tan Payton 2010) Most CHINs have focused on meeting the needs of the private sector and the health industry. They also offer great promise for meeting the health information needs of the public, while integrating the interest of the broader community with the business ad clinical needs for the health industry. St. Luke’s Episcopal Health Charities has initiated a one-of a health needs assessment process. In addition to awarding grants throughout Texas, it’s Healthy Neighborhood Initiatives has created the Community Health Information System. This is an on-line, interactive website that creates a concise picture of the demographic,  health and social data of the 57-counties of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. We will write a custom essay sample on Community Health Information Network Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The CHIS not only houses data  and tables on key social and health issues but also allows users to layer community data with community resources on interactive maps to receive a more complete picture of a community’s strengths and needs. (www. slehc. org/CHI/CHIS) The mission of CHIS (Community Health Information System) is to provide community health data to diverse audiences through the web-based Community Health Information System (CHIS). Web based interactive data is provided through interactive mapping. The web-based information includes  statistical  data on  community health, special reports, and community and child health well-being. These can be used to assist local community efforts to use information to advance community health. Early in 2000 the United Way and SLEHC (St. Luke’s Episcopal Health Charities) began to discuss the possibility of bringing the Community Resource Database of the United Way, which contained information on over  5100 human service agencies, into their online Community Health Information System (CHIS). This partnership intent is to provide users the opportunity to see a broader picture of community health status and to identify a selected areas assets as well as its needs. (www. slech. org/CHIS/CHI) In its assessment efforts, SLEHC partners with community-based organizations, community residents, and academic institutions, such as The University of Texas School of Public Health (UTSPH), Preschool for ALL, St. Luke’s Health Care System, The University of Texas Health Science Center of Houston. These providers work together to identify ongoing high priority community health needs, especially in medically underserved neighborhoods. The collaborations of the above community- based organizations include a web-based, interactive community health information system offering census data, vital statistics, and asset mapping at the sub county level. Presently identifiable data of geographical areas of interest are stored, and information about the community resources are available and statistics on the population and health-related characteristics of that area. Also, included in the stored data is information about more than 12,000  community resources in a 13 county area of the Texas Gulf Coast. Available services and programs include  health clinics, food pantries, shelters and many other useful sources of information. Users of the data interactive web can layer these services over demographic maps to locate services and help identify service gaps and duplications. (://www. findarticles. om/p/articles) The CHIS of St. Luke’s Episcopal Health Charities serves the community well, it allows users to layer data with community resources to receive a more complete picture of the strengths and needs . Newest features of CHIS is Project Safety Net, a bi-lingual resource listing for all safety net clinics in Harris, County Texas, and Breast Health Portal listing a current and free access information for breast health services in contiguous counties. www. slehc. org) References Tan, J. and Payton, F. Adaptive Health Management Informatio n Systems (2010) 3rd ed Jones and Bartlett Publishers; Sudbury Massachusetts St. Luke’s Episcopal Health charities (http/: www. slehc. org/CHI/CHIS/) Braly, Damon ( Jan1995) Health Management Technology â€Å" CHIN update: progress in community network development community health information network: (http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles)

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