Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Essay on The media perpetrating negative stereotypes of...

For as long as anyone can remember the battle between youths and older generations has been fuelled by the media†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"playgrounds have been turned into battlegrounds† and words are now a lethal weapon. It is a binary opposition which has been taken to extraordinary levels and waged a war between adolescents and adults. The media has taken the stereotype of youths, the way the public view youths and the way in which youths view themselves, and exploited the idea, turning it into nothing, but a delusional monster. The youths of society are tomorrow’s future leaders, inventors and scientists, eager to learn and offering new perspectives. The media however, has hijacked the appearance of teenagers, constructing a distorted idea, and warping†¦show more content†¦The writer, with supported arguments from faceless â€Å"experts†, continuously refers to society’s teens as fast approaching their ill-fated future, where it seems that in one way or another, a massacre will be the end result from a generation exuding violence. To state the prospect of an impending massacre, similar to those from across the globe is a colossal leap from the truth; the writer, uses this anomaly and warps it into an unrealistic â€Å"truth†, and in doing so has implanted a seed of fear and app rehension in the audience’s minds, evoking a sense of security, justice and safety. It is this fear which cultivates the aggression and negative attitudes towards youths, and the attribute with which the media abuses to gain control of their audience and influence societal beliefs. The article goes on to state that in youth culture violence and criminal activity is beginning at a younger age; this so-called â€Å"evidence† is based on the actions of ONE child, and to generalise an entire population based on the idiotic actions of one completely distorts the truth and is grossly unfair. The profuse use of the description â€Å"thug† and criminal-like terminology throughout the entire article portrays ALL teenagers as dangerous criminals who uphold â€Å"gangster† traits; this description is then furthered by the verification of â€Å"experts†, with absolutely no indication of statistical proof. This so-called â€Å"truth† yet again fails to address all points fairly, andShow MoreRelatedShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1470 Words   |  6 Pagesmarijuana smoking was mostly performed by the lower class and immigrants, mainly of Mexican origin. Therefore, the association between the use of marijuana with violence and crime was not born with evidence, but rather by association made through the media that portrayed marijuana as a dangerous drug comparable to narcotics and opiates that were of greater popularity at the time. Since there was little distinction among illicit drugs—such as heroin, cocaine, and marijuana—they were all thought to beRead MoreHoward Becker s The On Opium Addiction3802 Words   |  16 Pagesindividuals so label. Labeling theory is the theory of how the identity toward oneself and conduct of people may be dead set or affected by the terms used to depict or group them. It is connected to the ideas of fulfilling toward oneself prescience and stereotype. The theory holds that deviance is not innate t, but rather concentrates on the inclination of greater parts to adversely label minorities or those seen as deviants from standard social norms. The theory was conspicuous in the 1960s and 1970s, andRead MoreSocial Influence4418 Words   |  18 PagesPeople will tend to obey authority figures. * Liking: People are more easily swayed by people they like. * Scarcity: A perceived limitation of resources will generate demand. [edit] Unanimity Social Influence is strongest when the group perpetrating it is consistent and committed. Even a single instance of dissent can greatly wane the strength of an influence. For example, in Milgrams first set of obedience experiments, 65% of participants complied with fake authority figures to administerRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words   |  319 PagesWillner, the event precipitating the emergence of charismatic activities involves a crisis that heightens the tensions already rife in the society. She seems to think that the event that acts as a catalyst for the charismatic eruption is usually negative. However, although the hardships of the 1920s and 1930s were indeed part of the precipitant situations, the crowning of Ras Tafari (his original name) as Haile Selassie, emperor of Ethiopia, was the main catalytic event that called the Rastafarian

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Environmental Hazards Cultural, Biological, Physical and...

Environmental Hazards: Cultural, Biological, Physical and Chemical An entirely different perspective is brought into focus as we consider some of the environmental hazards that accompany industrial growth and intensive agriculture. Some of the most dangerous hazards in this world are the outcome of purely voluntary behavior --- in particular, smoking tobacco and engaging in risky sexual activity. We will look at four classes of environmental hazards: Cultural, Biological, Physical and Chemical (Wright Boorse, 2011). Cultural Hazards. Many of the factors that contribute to morality and disability are a matter of choice or can at least be influenced by choice. People engage in risky behavior and subject themselves to hazards. Thus,†¦show more content†¦Physical Hazards. Natural disasters --- including hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, forest fires, earthquakes, landslides, and volcanic eruptions --- take a toll of human life and property every year. They are the outcome of hydrological, meteorological, or geological forces. However, the 12 months following November 2004 were unimaginably dreadful. During that time, three major natural disasters took nearly 300,000 lives and left millions homeless and without means of self-support: theShow MoreRelatedFour Categories of Human Environmental Hazards Essay865 Words   |  4 PagesCategories of Human Environmental Hazards Everest Online University EVS1001-26 Environmental Science Professor Deborah Builder September 6th, 2012 The Four Categories of Human Environmental Hazards There are many exposures to hazards in our environment today that brings along the risk of an injury, different types of diseases, and even in some cases death. These hazards are called human environmental hazards. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Reflection Paper On Time Management - 733 Words

This semester I learned a lot about the management process that takes place in healthcare organizations. The five concepts that resonated with me, along with how I feel they fit with the storyboard above are: planning, time management, organizing, staffing, controlling. Firstly, when I look at this picture I can see the fog and the lamp post. The reason I chose planning is because the benefit of planning allows the healthcare organizations’ goals to be organized and you can document the expectations and results (Barriga Patel, concept 3, slide 3). The picture lacks a clear goal and vision as the fog is covering up the view of the top of the lamp post, and if organizations do not plan well, their establishment can very much get fogged†¦show more content†¦The concept of staffing was one that I felt, could fit well with this picture as well. Assessing performance helps managers and employees know how they are doing and what they can do to reach new goals or current goals that are not yet met (Klebern, concept 6, slide 15). This related to the picture because, the traffic light stands as the assessment sheet, where red means not meeting expectations, yellow means meets expectations, and green would stand for exceeding expectations. The lamp post represents the height that the employee wants to reach. The light is red so the employee needs to work harder to reach his/her goals in order to reach the view at the top of the lamp post. Assessments can be scary, but it is important to know how you are doing, so that if there is something that needs to be improved on than it can be done so, sooner than later. This will help you get better at your job along with help the company, so it is a win for everyone. The last concept to fit this picture was of control. Control has to be just right (Clarke, concept 8, slide 4). A manager should be able to convey messages without being too overbearing or without coming off as someone who doesn’t care at all. The traffic light represents the balance of control as they have been set to allow enough traffic to keep moving at all times. Managers have to hold their ground and not be afraid to raise redShow MoreRelatedStr 581 Ethics Reflection Paper1378 Words   |  6 PagesRunning head: Ethics Reflection Paper Ethics Reflection Paper University of Phoenix |Content |General Comments | |The paper explains the role of ethics and |The key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. The content of your | |social responsibility in developing a |write up is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive. The conclusion is logicalRead MoreDeming 14 Point1156 Words   |  5 PagesInclude the plan in your paper. This paper is due at the end of Week Three of the course. Content, style, and grammar are all important to the grade. 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Ticket Booking System Of Indian Cinema Chains And...

A PROJECT REPORT ON TICKET BOOKING SYSTEM IN INDIAN CINEMA CHAINS AND IMPROVEMENTS MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Session 2013 – 2015 Submitted by MOHIT CHAUDHARY (13810050) DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,ROORKEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Any assignment puts to litmus test of an individual knowledge credibility or experience and thus sole efforts of an individual are not sufficient to accomplish the successful completion of a project. It involves interest and efforts of many people and so this obligatory on the part to record my thanks to those who helped me out in the successful completion of my project. Life is a process of accumulating and discharging debts, not all of those can be measured. We cannot hope to discharge them with simple words of thanks but we can certainly acknowledge them. At this level of understanding it is often difficult to completed and assimilate a wide spectrum of knowledge without proper guidance and advice. Hence, I would like to thank my advisor DR. ZILLUR RAHMAN, for sharing his time to guide me every week helping my project run smoothly. Finally, I would like to thank every committee member for guiding me in the project. Mohit Chaudhary Table of Contents TOPICS PageShow MoreRelatedMovie Exhibition 2013 Avengers6511 Words   |  27 Pagesthan $1 billion each in global ticket sales (see Exhibit 1). Behind the scenes, the success, even the fundamental health of the exhibition industry, is far less clear, however. Consider these contradictions: - Domestic ticket revenues grew 6 percent in 2012, but that volume ranks just 13th since 1980. 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Community Health Information Network Analysis free essay sample

Community Health Information Network Analysis D. Metoye Dr. G. Hanney May 30, 2010 MHA616 In today’s challenging environment of lowered reimbursements and narrowing margins, many independent health care organizations find it beneficial to align themselves with Community Health Information Network. Community Health Information Network or CHIN is a combination of telecommunication and network capabilities that links healthcare stakeholders throughout a community. (Tan Payton 2010) Most CHINs have focused on meeting the needs of the private sector and the health industry. They also offer great promise for meeting the health information needs of the public, while integrating the interest of the broader community with the business ad clinical needs for the health industry. St. Luke’s Episcopal Health Charities has initiated a one-of a health needs assessment process. In addition to awarding grants throughout Texas, it’s Healthy Neighborhood Initiatives has created the Community Health Information System. This is an on-line, interactive website that creates a concise picture of the demographic,  health and social data of the 57-counties of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. We will write a custom essay sample on Community Health Information Network Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The CHIS not only houses data  and tables on key social and health issues but also allows users to layer community data with community resources on interactive maps to receive a more complete picture of a community’s strengths and needs. (www. slehc. org/CHI/CHIS) The mission of CHIS (Community Health Information System) is to provide community health data to diverse audiences through the web-based Community Health Information System (CHIS). Web based interactive data is provided through interactive mapping. The web-based information includes  statistical  data on  community health, special reports, and community and child health well-being. These can be used to assist local community efforts to use information to advance community health. Early in 2000 the United Way and SLEHC (St. Luke’s Episcopal Health Charities) began to discuss the possibility of bringing the Community Resource Database of the United Way, which contained information on over  5100 human service agencies, into their online Community Health Information System (CHIS). This partnership intent is to provide users the opportunity to see a broader picture of community health status and to identify a selected areas assets as well as its needs. (www. slech. org/CHIS/CHI) In its assessment efforts, SLEHC partners with community-based organizations, community residents, and academic institutions, such as The University of Texas School of Public Health (UTSPH), Preschool for ALL, St. Luke’s Health Care System, The University of Texas Health Science Center of Houston. These providers work together to identify ongoing high priority community health needs, especially in medically underserved neighborhoods. The collaborations of the above community- based organizations include a web-based, interactive community health information system offering census data, vital statistics, and asset mapping at the sub county level. Presently identifiable data of geographical areas of interest are stored, and information about the community resources are available and statistics on the population and health-related characteristics of that area. Also, included in the stored data is information about more than 12,000  community resources in a 13 county area of the Texas Gulf Coast. Available services and programs include  health clinics, food pantries, shelters and many other useful sources of information. Users of the data interactive web can layer these services over demographic maps to locate services and help identify service gaps and duplications. (://www. findarticles. om/p/articles) The CHIS of St. Luke’s Episcopal Health Charities serves the community well, it allows users to layer data with community resources to receive a more complete picture of the strengths and needs . Newest features of CHIS is Project Safety Net, a bi-lingual resource listing for all safety net clinics in Harris, County Texas, and Breast Health Portal listing a current and free access information for breast health services in contiguous counties. www. slehc. org) References Tan, J. and Payton, F. Adaptive Health Management Informatio n Systems (2010) 3rd ed Jones and Bartlett Publishers; Sudbury Massachusetts St. Luke’s Episcopal Health charities (http/: www. slehc. org/CHI/CHIS/) Braly, Damon ( Jan1995) Health Management Technology â€Å" CHIN update: progress in community network development community health information network: (http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles)

My Testimony The End of the Road Essay Example For Students

My Testimony The End of the Road Essay On September 29, 1981, I committed a horrible crime against society. I committed a crime of murder that took the life of an innocent young (19) woman. She was the mother of a child, a daughter of a man and his wife, a sister of her siblings, and a friend to many. This crime also affected her family, my family, the community, the men and women of law enforcement and the justice system. For this I have constantly been remorseful and reminded of the pain and the suffering I have caused. During my time in prison I struggled for many years to turn my life around and take responsibility for what I had done. My sentence began in the Ohio State Penitentiary (Columbus) it was there that like any other, I was subjected to ridicule, bullying, being gazed upon by other men as property, and it was there that my punishment would be slow, severe, and where I realized that I may never get out again. Soon I was transferred to the Southern Ohio Correctional facility, known to all as Lucasville and The end of the road. At the time Lucasville was Ohios final destination for the worse of the worse. I am not going to say that I did not belong there, I DID! I was scared and felt that I could not be like the rest of those guys who had made their retirement package, which included a cell, lousy food, and loneliness, the worse anyone could ever feel. I was a young twenty (20) year old among those who had spent years on death row and several years without human interaction or human companionship. I had a rough way to go. It took five years for me to finally break down and admit that I could no longer live my life without forgiveness. I had hated myself so much that I allowed myself to be abused, mistreated, unhealthy, disrespected, and misused. I was so far into a deep remorse that I thought I was supposed to just beat myself beyond recognition. I opened a book given to me while I was in the county jail, not but a week in. It was the Upper Room. Inside this booklet was an index card that stated, Chose this day for Gods forgiveness. But, how was I to ask for anyones forgiveness, let alone Gods, if I wasnt even able to forgive myself? This issue of the Upper Room, dated September-October 1981 had focused on forgiving ones self. It wasnt until then that I was able to truly understand what being remorseful meant. It meant that I had to accept my responsibilities for MY actions that hurt so many people. It meant that I had a lot of work to do to become truly remorseful. My actions from then on had to come by repenting, and creating a positive road towards freedom. Between the years of 1985 and 2007 I had given so much of myself to God, the community and to those out here. In august 2007 I was granted a parole by the Ohio Adult Parole Authority (OhAPA), however, because of the absolute right of the victims they were granted a full board hearing to dispute my homecoming. The OhAPA determined during that hearing that a continuance be given until November 2012. I was given another five years to serve. I wrote to the OhAPA and thanked them for allowing the people of the family and my own family to share their input for further consideration. Although I did not understand, I embraced the continuance as another opportunity to prepare myself to be Able and Ready to take on the responsibilities and obligations of being a parolee. I enrolled in yet another program that taught me how to think, react, and face the trials and tribulations. I was able to quit smoking cigarettes, habit I had picked up after my arrest. In the end I thanked each member of the OhAPA and all the parties concerned that each day I am constantly asking myself WHY? 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But what I have come to learn is that circumstance, situation, past pain, past memories, when not dealt with in a healthy manner can often cloud ones thinking and their ability to deal with stressful moments. I would like to stress to all who have read this, that no matter what I have accomplished, and how happy I felt getting released, there is a woman who lost her life who will never ever feel these feelings, and it makes me cry more for her than for the happiness I feel with all of you. So please tonight remember her in your prayers. Her name was Robin. Because of this I served 377 months (Thirty-One and 1/2 Years) in prison. I was released Thursday, February 21, 2013. Upon release I enrolled (March 2013) in Everest University (Online) in an attempt to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. I have not done as well as I would have liked so far, but I am still here and still doing the right things.