Thursday, September 3, 2020

General Biology Quiz 2 Essay Example

General Biology Quiz 2 Essay Credit Quiz 2 1) If two present day living beings are remotely related in a developmental sense, at that point one ought to anticipate that A) they live in totally different living spaces. B) they should share less homologous structures than two all the more firmly related living beings. C) their chromosomes ought to be fundamentally the same as. D) they shared a typical predecessor generally as of late. E) they ought to be individuals from similar class. 2) Within half a month of treatment with the medication 3TC, a patients HIV populace comprises totally of 3TC-safe infections. By what means would this be able to result best be clarified? A) HIV can change its surface proteins and oppose immunizations. B) The patient more likely than not become reinfected with 3TC-safe infections. C) HIV started making drug-safe variants of converse transcriptase in light of the medication. D) A couple of medication safe infections were available toward the beginning of treatment, and characteristic determination expanded their recurrence. E) The medication made the HIV RNA change. The chart in Figure 22. 3 portrays four potential examples for the wealth of 3TC-safe HIV inside a tainted human after some time. Figure 22. 3) If 3TC obstruction is exorbitant for HIV, at that point which plot (Iâ€IV) best speaks to the reaction of a strain of 3TC-safe HIV after some time, if 3TC organization starts at the time demonstrated by the bolt? 4) A scientist examined a populace of squirrels for a long time. During that time, the populace was never less than 30 squirrels and never more than 45. Her information demonstrated that over portion of the squirrels conceived didn't get by to replicate, in light of rivalry for food and predation. We will compose a custom article test on General Biology Quiz 2 explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on General Biology Quiz 2 explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on General Biology Quiz 2 explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer In a solitary age, 90% of the squirrels that were conceived lived to imitate, and the populace expanded to 80. Which inference(s) about this populace may be valid? A) The measure of accessible food may have expanded. B) The quantity of predators may have diminished. C) The squirrels of ensuing ages should show more prominent degrees of hereditary variety than past ages, since squirrels that would not have made due in the past will presently endure. D) An and B just E) A, B, and C 5) Which of these is the littlest unit whereupon regular determination straightforwardly acts? An) an animal varieties quality recurrence B) a populaces quality recurrence C) a people genome D) a people genotype E) a people phenotype 6) Which of these is the littlest unit that common choice can change? An) an animal categories quality recurrence B) a populaces quality recurrence C) a people genome D) a people genotype E) a people phenotype In a speculative populace of 1,000 individuals, trial of blood classification qualities show that 160 have the genotype AA, 480 have the genotype AB, and 360 have the genotype BB. ) What is the recurrence of the B allele? 8) If there are 4,000 youngsters destined to this age, what number of would be required to have AB blood under the states of Hardy-Weinberg harmony? 9) In peas, a quality controls bloom shading to such an extent that R = purple and r = white. In a confined pea fix, there are 36 purple-blossoming plants and 64 white-blooming plants. Accepting Hardy-Weinberg harmony, what is the estimation of q for this populace? 10) In a the oretical circumstance, a specific types of bug takes care of just on pronghorn gazelles. In rangelands of the western United States, pronghorns and cows regularly partner with each other. In the event that a portion of these bugs build up a solid inclination, rather, for dairy cattle blood and mate just with insects that, in like manner, favor cows blood, at that point after some time which of these ought to happen, if the host warm blooded creature can be considered as the bugs living space? 1. conceptive confinement 2. sympatric speciation 3. living space detachment 4. prezygotic hindrances A) 1 just B) 2 and 3 C) 1, 2, and 3 D) 2, 3, and 4 E) 1 through 4

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Discussion about the Negative Business Letter

Question: Examine about the Negative Business Letter. Answer: September 2, 2016 Ms. Margaret Clemmons 762 Buns Parkway, Venice, CA 90028 Subject: Resolution of Your Claim Reference: Claim # 712 Dear Ms. Clemmons We might want to put on record our gratefulness for your business just as your trust in us. We are focused on helping you with the worries brought up in your letter. We are in receipt of your ongoing request and might want to apologize for any bother that may have been caused to you. We are glad for our exclusive expectations and might want to guarantee you of our total consideration regarding the case made by your goodself into the charges made to your record. Our examination into your request is finished and we have discovered that the records just as the video film of that date don't show any hardware issues at Wilsons Gourmet. Moreover, the product and gear at the store make it practically difficult to run a similar card more than once without the authorization of the floor chief. In light of the data gave and our examination, we have reached the resolution that it is possible that you or somebody with access to your bank subtleties has utilized your card to make various buys at Wilsons Gourmet on different occasions during the day being referred to. Besides, our bank arrangement demands receipts being encased with the case letter. We are persuaded that the case can't be engaged and consequently we are compelled to dismiss it. We might want to accept this open door to thank you for your time and anticipate your proceeded with support. Expressing gratitude toward you and guaranteeing you of our best consideration consistently We remain, Yours steadfastly For Union bank of California ATM Error Resolution Department

The Auditing Profession - Accounting vs.Auditing & the Auditing within Essay

The Auditing Profession - Accounting vs.Auditing and the Auditing inside the IRS - Essay Example We notice the assessment of Richard Brown, refered to by two world-class authorities (Mautz and Sharaf, 1961) showing that review has its foundations previously, just a little past the inceptions of bookkeeping. Each time the general public advancement has made it fundamental for a man to be depended with the property of another somewhat, the need of a specific sort of its unwaveringness control become self-evident. The reading material definition remembered for the Report of the Committee on Basic Auditing Concepts of the American Accounting Association presents examining as â€Å"a efficient procedure of dispassionately acquiring and assessing proof with respect to statements about monetary activities and occasions to discover the level of correspondence between those attestations and built up standards and imparting the outcomes to intrigued users† (Media Wiley, 2003, p.4). To underscore the quintessence of monetary review, its significance and extension, we present the mea ning of Arens and Loebbecke, two high-class American masters: â€Å"audit comprises of social occasion and assessing confirmations to decide and report the level of consistence of announced with a progression of foreordained measures. The review ought to be led by an equipped and free person. (Arens&Loebbecke, 2003, p.11). Huge numbers of the demonstrated highlights are normal to all types of review. There are different kinds of review, for example, operational, specialized, natural, yet in by far most of cases, the term alludes to the review of budget reports. Table 1: Main highlights of different sorts of reviews Type of review Financial explanation review Compliance review Audit report and interior control Operational review Assertion about monetary activities and tasks Presentation of budgetary position, consequences of tasks and income Claims or information relating to adherence to approaches, laws, guidelines, so on. Sufficiency of arrangement of inner command over money related revealing Operational or execution information Established standards GAAP Management’s strategy or laws and guidelines COSO rules for assessing interior controls Objectives set by the executives Communication of results Opinion of free CPA Summary of discoveries or affirmation with respect to level of consistence Opinion of autonomous CPA Summary of discoveries in regards to productivity and viability watched Interested clients Investors, lenders and others Management, governing body and others Investors, leasers and others Management and top managerial staff Source: Media Wiley. Reviewing and the Public Accounting Profession-Integrity of Financial announcing, 2003, p.7 Note: COSO=Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission; GAAP=Generally Accepted Accounting Principles; CPA=Certified Public Accountant. Table 1 sums up principle contrasts between different kinds of review: fiscal reports review, consistence reviews, review writes about interior co ntrol and operational reviews. As introduced, monetary review is an assessment directed by a free, skilled expert, so as to communicate a defended feeling on the legitimacy and right utilization of money related bookkeeping inward methods set up by chiefs and on the genuine, complete and exact nature of a unit’s budget reports. Monetary inspectors break down and look at bookkeeping reports and different archives as far as similarity with built up guidelines and guidelines, for example, GAAP

Friday, August 21, 2020

Performance Appraisal Essay Example for Free

Execution Appraisal Essay Examination is a system by which an association evaluates representative exhibition dependent on present measures . The principle reason for examinations is to help directors successfully, staff organizations and manage HR, and to create effectiveness . Being â€Å"part of an association estimation process†, execution examinations fill that need by telling representatives the best way to improve their exhibition, set up objectives for workers and helping chiefs to assess subordinates’ productivity and take activities identified with employing, advancements, preparing, work plan, remuneration and terminations. Over the most recent 30 years organizations utilize the worker assessments for regulatory reason, yet in addition for inspirational and authoritative arranging purposes. The object of this paper is to comprehend and clarify the job of HR which to guarantee the successful and proficient utilization of human ability to achieve hierarchical objectives in an organization. HR Management manages what should or should be possible to make working individuals progressively powerful and fulfilled. In a couple of words, the administration of HR implies that they should be enrolled compensated,â trained, and created. It is HRM’s obligation to make work examination (depict work and individual prerequisites of a specific activity), to convey to the representatives execution principles (make an interpretation of occupation necessities into levels of adequate/unsatisfactory execution) and to organize execution evaluation programs. Along these lines, all parts of HR administrations are basic to an organization’s capacity to enough adequately give a quality work power. Truth be told, execution examinations are a huge piece of execution the executives framework answerable for structuring a workplace in which â€Å"people can perform to the best of their abilities.† Job depiction The spotlight in this paper is on introducing data about leading a presentation evaluation for a transport driver position. I pick this position since, transport drivers are significant for our contemporaneous society which is in a proceeded with advancement. This perspective infers the need of more associations between places, more travels and travel for individuals. It is fundamental that this activity be done in the most wellbeing and agreeable manners. The conduct of each transport driver representative must be assessed and improved on the off chance that it is essentially. The preparation programs are the key in helping drivers figure out how to manage troublesome individuals and evade viciousness while working. Causing an occupation to break down, transport driver is a position is liable for shipping individuals starting with one spot then onto the next for work, tasks, school, or different reasons. Takes admissions from travelers, issues receipts, declares courses, and guarant ees travelers get out security. Their essential duties infer transport individuals, work transport, and drive standard courses on a calendar or on sanctioned excursions. They obey transit regulations, stop regularly and check the transport tires, lights, and oil and other fundamental support. They need to report mechanical issues and mishaps. May stack and empty passengers’ baggage. A transport driver needs to manage boisterous travelers, help impaired ones and keep travelers educated regarding delays. Transport drivers are utilized by urban travel framework, basic and optional schools and private transportation organizations. As per Service Canada the activity prospects in this occupation is acceptable having a yearly normal pay of 43,895. In this way, client care abilities are significant as a result of the collaboration with travelers. For a school transport driver is basic to guarantee the wellbeing of the kids, whichâ may incorporate going with understudies over the road and giving first guide in quite a while. The accompanying abilities are significant for a transport driver: undivided attention, activity observing, social perceptiveness †monitoring others’ responses and understanding why they respond as they do, gear support, activity and control, understanding appreciation, coordination, time the executives, talking, and basic reasoning util izing thinking to distinguish the qualities and shortcomings of elective arrangements, ends or ways to deal with issues. Execution evaluation strategy Estimation of transport driver execution begins with the assessment of abilities and viability during and following the time of work. The essential target of execution examination is to set up whether drivers are playing out their activity securely serving the client enough, and adhering to work rules, approaches, and methodology that guarantee proficiency and cost-adequacy. Dissecting the above data and knowing the expected set of responsibilities for a transport driver, the behaviourally moored rating scale (BARS) would be a decent technique for execution examination. This strategy scales focuses and is characterized by articulations of powerful and insufficient practices. It assembles the advantage the advantages of accounts, basic occurrences and measured scales by connecting a rating scale with explicit social instances of good or horrible showing. It gives preferred examinations over different instruments. The evaluator needs to show which conduct on each scale portrays a worke r's presentation. For building the BARS procedure infer the age of basic episodes the improvement of execution measurements, the movement of occurrences, the size of the occurrences and the advancement of definite instrument. Chiefs have a document organizer for every representative, which can be printed copy or electronic. Basic episodes are significant representative activities which help or hurt execution. The BARS is created by an advisory group that incorporates the two subordinates and supervisors. In this manner, the fundamental favorable position of this technique is that faculty outside HR division get together with HR staff in its turn of events. Obviously, the representatives will have a more noteworthy acknowledgment of the exhibition evaluation procedure and its measures. In a similar time BARS requires impressive time and exertion to create it. Another disservice is that aâ scale intended for one occupation probably won't make a difference another. For instance, the BARS for a transport driver will contain the rating scale from 4 (surpasses desires) to 1 (inadmissible) and its assessment of security, practicality, understudy direct, transport neatness and care, and mentality. Recognizable proof of appraiser Evaluation and criticism framework ought to be made by a multi-rate appraisal since transport driver position is multifaceted and individuals see various things. A scope of individuals are approached to evaluate a person against organization system. The criticism can be from subject's staff, from their managers and from partners and customers and travelers. This is called 360â ° examination. Its aim is to give a visitor and increasingly target evaluation of employees’ ability. This multi-rate input is possibly use when chief has 4-8 individuals answering to them. It is significant that the worker don't have a clue how any assessment colleague reacted guaranteeing the namelessness idea of 360â ° framework. The special case of this standard is the boss' appraising. At the point when this criticism originates from more individuals, it might reduce predisposition or partiality. In a similar time, criticism from friends and other may expand representative self-improvement. In the finish of this section, remind that HR office has the essential duty regarding overseeing and organizing evaluation program. End A significant exhibition evaluation program makes input and guidance to representatives and gives a helpful system to the chiefs and to the administrators which asses their staff’ execution. The lead examination program ought to be set up once and inspected at whatever point the supervisor and the representative meet for the normal execution report or intermittently: yearly or once like clockwork. Best, chiefs and bosses ought to sequentially gauge and direct representatives with the goal that exhibition blemishes don't go unexamined for a significant stretch of time just to be recognized and bantered at the working examination review. In outline, the exhibition examination for a transport driver position it’s significant for the assessment of this position’ abilities yet additionally for the security of travelers inâ their work and individual condition and their day by day exercises. That’s why a genuine and solid presentation and evaluation strategy oug ht to be applied in a calendar planed time in all the transportation organization. List of sources Belcourt, Monica, Singh Parbudyal, Bohlander George, Swell Scott. Overseeing Human Resources. Toronto, Ontario: Nelson Education, 2014. Administration Canada, Sage Publication, Transportation Research Board,

Case study American Apparel’s Unwrapping Ethics free essay sample

The moral problem inside American Apparel is great model demonstrating that perceiving a moral issue is never a simple thing. It has become a fruitful garments and design organization for a considerable length of time of years and it was notable for its request of item quality which are included as entire natural and â€Å"made in US† Meanwhile, American Apparel was respected for its consistent investigation for the ideal social fighting for its representatives as far as work, pay, clinical consideration and employer stability and so on. Nonetheless, unexpectedly American Apparel was more than once occupied with deceptive sexual issues, for example, banner sex claim and office lewd behavior claim. There are overpowering whines from the open that America Apparel is passing on numerous sexual proposals through their showcasing and promoting instruments including however not restricted to those indoor and outside post of exposed models and sex insight mottos and internet based life too. There are a lot of concerns and sounds from the youngster guardians that these progressive advertisements and plugs will wrongly lead their kids to an unwanted that more youthful are defenseless against those explicitly significant indications. We will compose a custom paper test on Contextual investigation: American Apparel’s Unwrapping Ethics or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page They are great to see that American Apparel is showing their young ladies the design slants however are widely stressed over their future. Also, CEO Dov Charney has exacerbated amazingly case of how a venture can cast questionable moral development at the at some point. He has been sued for a few instances of lewd behavior and unseemly foul language among his female representatives and models inside. The intriguing part for me is that despite the fact that he was attempted to control and risk his female team and models from outside by saving their bare pictures for making unfriendly workplace and other dull purposes, all the cases are ended outside of court. Obligations are going to restitution at long last. American Apparel is experienced harm or brand picture and beverages severe of colossal obligation on the edge. From my point of view, the design need and energetic of quest for excellence that American Apparel has implemented to its fundamental client sections which are generally youngsters in their mid twenties could be a concealed impetus for accomplishing something uncontrollably. The contention that the brand system spoke to by the CEO Charney has given for clarifying their promotion crusades which is to misuse the sexual freedom for ladies has potentially gotten a trigger of adolescent violations. Albeit American Apparel has sharp cognizance and bleeding edge pattern improvement procedure, it is certainly useless to forfeit its social duty and to demolish our open altruism with the enticing proposals in the business battle are socially untrustworthy for mass and for entire society defied with its attributes of empowering and engaging for sex lack of caution.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Literature in Translation Essay The Windup Bird Chronicle - Literature Essay Samples

Haruki Murakami, Japanese author of The Wind Up Bird Chronicles, has many characters who all have influential aspects on the protagonist Toru Okada. But one particular character, May Kasahara, is one minor character who has a critical effect on the unfolding of the protagonist throughout his journey. This enigmatic character is unknown and although she takes part in helping Toru find himself, a part of May being the one to aid him, is because she needed to find herself as well. Although May Kasahara has major influence on Toru’s life, Toru indirectly has more of a major influence in May’s life. Toru and May Kasaharas first encounter with each other was very strange. As Toru was searching for his cat, she arrives and begins asking question after question. During their first encounter, they did not catch each others names, yet they sat down together and waited for Noboru Wataya, the cat, talking as if they have already known each other before. Murakami makes that connection between the two character’s and right from the start he creates a close bond with the characters within this scene. As they sit, May begins wandering off, rambling about the most strangest things; however, the reader may notice that this is a genuine part of her personality as one continues reading the novel, she genuinely talks about a lot of off topic things at once. Surprisingly, the passive character Toru is, he was not at all bothered by her rambling and yet sat there and listened to this stranger ask him about whether he would marry a woman with 6 fingers or 4 breast. From the start, readers a re introduced to this enigmatic, weird, and strange character who Toru immediately is connected to. Murakami does this to foreshadow their relationship through the rest of the novel. Their first encounter was also a very strange encounter. As they sit down together, she convinces him to close his eyes as she talks about countless things. However, it was very strange because she felt comfortable around this stranger to talk about death, touch him, and even whisper in his ear. Why was she whispering in his ear? May had began to talk about the feeling of dying and as she is doing this, she is holding Toru’s wrist and whispering to him. It seems as if she was doing hypnosis on him. She puts her finger on his wrist and draws symbols. May Kasahara may have been the start of Toru having the tendency to go into deep thinking about situations. When they were sitting together, she told him to keep his eyes shut and listen to her talk. As she talks, she says she thinks very deeply about things. â€Å"When you dont have anything to, your thoughts get really far out- so far out you cant follow them all the way to the end† (21)What does this mean? This statement is very significant because as Toru goes through his journey, Toru’s thoughts become deeper and deeper to the point where he is in a world of magical realism; he has never experienced any of this before until after he meets May Kasahara. May Kasahara is significant because she immediately question Toru’s passive nature and immediately has him taking a turn on his passive nature, immediately starting his journey to find himself. She asks Toru on whether he has â€Å"guts.† Before, Toru was a guy who â€Å"goes with the flow† he could not recall anytime where he had â€Å"guts†. One may notice that after that talk about â€Å"guts and curiosity†, Toru begins to, slowly but surely, gain guts through his curiosity. â€Å"Where there’s guts there’s curiosity, and where there’s curiosity, there guts† (65) â€Å"Curiosity can bring guts out of hiding.† (65) Toru says he was â€Å"never the one for guts† (65) but as his journey progresses, he gains it from his curiosity; curiosity of why Kumiko left him; curiosity of who is the real Noboru Wataya; and he gains â€Å"guts† by going down into an empty well and being trapped and when he stands u p to Noboru Wataya during his meeting, where he tells the story of the â€Å"Shitty Island.† One may see that May Kasahara may have indirectly influenced Torus Journey in some ways, as such. Murakami also foreshadows Toru’s events through May Kasahara. One very significant matter is that Toru was introduced to the â€Å"Well† by May Kasahara. â€Å"Tell me Mr. Windup Bird, would you like to see the Well?† (65) As Toru recalls the words Mr. Honda said to him â€Å"When youre suppose to go down, find the deepest well and go down to the bottom† (66) He now had a well if necessary, and May Kasahara was the one to provide him with it. Although May Kasahara has a significant influence on Toru’s life, Toru was oblivious that he had a significant influence on May Kasahara’s life. Although May Kasahara is a minor character, throughout the novel, she experiences her own journey. Through May Kasahara’s letters, the reader is able to see why she did certain things when she was with Toru, and what actually goes on inside of her mind. In her letters she explains that she felt like she was trapped in the world of â€Å"Mr. Windup Bird† and needed to break free. This is why she leaves her home and goes to a place far away. When she was home, readers can see that May Kasahara in some ways depended on â€Å"Mr. Windup Bird† such as when he went into the well and left a note on his kitchen table saying he will be back but he never returned. She felt very upset about that and when she found him in the well she sought a sense of revenge on him, because she was looking forward to seeing him. Another encounter is when Toru was hugging Kumiko in his house and May Kasahara saw through the window. When she confronted Toru, she seemed as if she was jealous or envied Kumiko; as if â€Å"Mr. Windup Bird† was hers and she did not want to share him with another woman. May further explains within her letters that she would have delusions of Toru raping her when they were alone at his house and she confesses that that is the reason she trapped him in the well. When reading the novel, it seemed as if they completely ignored the age difference between them two, but May Kasahara did not ignore it and she had already knew what she was getting into, but she never shared it with him until the letters. Murakami may have done this to create a separate climax within the world of May Kasahara. May Kasahara was going through her own plots and journey and the readers were not aware of this until later on within the Novel; another technique and stylistic concept Murakami used in order to show the life and chronicles of May Kasahara. May Kasahara was a very daring girl who was bold and risky in the beginning having this bad girl image, riding on back of motorcycles, not following up with school, abandoning Toru for hours in the Well, but within her letters, it would seem as if it was all an act from who she really is and what she really feels like, she actually is sentimental and she cares, she is attracted to Toru and wants him in her life. Toru and May share this strong bond. They really depend on each other. They guide each other the way suits them best. There has been moments where May needed Toru to talk to and that is why she wrote the letters to him; and there has been times when Toru needed May, just a sense to step away from the rough life he was dealing with, chasing Kumiko. Toru imagined May Kasahara telling him right from wrong, and they both missed that from each other. They both depended on each other, from the minute they met, one can see that they both became a piece of each others life that they would need to complete themselves, regardless of the side circumstances they had been through. May had said within one of her letters that sometimes she felt like she was Kumiko, that she was Mrs. Okada, and as a reader, one could see where she is coming from,thinking back to all of the times they would sit on the chairs and just talk for hours letting each other in. It can be depicted that Murakami was actually opening the reader’s eyes to who truly should be in Toru’s life, and who Toru was chasing after, during his journey to find himself, was right not who he should have been chasing after because the one who would fit best in his life was there beside him all along. May Kasahara may have seen that she was the perfect one for Toru, but Toru could not see it. The readers were able to see it, because she was the one beside him, the one he went to for help, the one he could tell anything to, and they had a certain bond, that helped them both to learn and grow from each other, as if they really needed each other.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Black Men and Public Space, Free Essay Sample

Black Men and Public Space Black Men and Public Space is an essay written by Bent Staples which reflects his position in the society and the manner in which people treated him because he was an African American. Therefore, as a result of his skin color, he was faced a lot of discrimination in the public space. He gives various examples of such incidences such as the night whereby he met a white woman and she began avoiding him. However, he did a couple of things to change the manner in which people viewed him and, in turn, reduce the level of discrimination that he was facing. Hence, I agree with Stapless essay as he tried to teach the world that stereotypes can have a great impact on both the African-Americans as well as other races across the world. One of the way that stereotypes can affect someones race is by judging them by their way of dressing. In the current society, there is a great difference that exists in the manner in which professionals dress as compared to other people. However, it is not necessarily that a person in a suit is a professional or that a person wearing a casual outfit could be a smuggler. Staples proof this fact when the white woman runs away from him simply because of the clothes that he was wearing. He, therefore, decides to change his dress code and walking style in order to gain respect in the society and avoid being discriminated. Hence the stereotypes judgment of a persons dressing can result in a lot of changes in that person. This is common among the African-Americans because the colonial view of slavery and rapists is still intact in some peoples minds in the society. Also, it affects people from other races. In addition, stereotypes of skin color can affect an individuals way of living. Changing skin color is not something easy that people can do. The racial looks of an individual will still be visible regardless of whether they have breached their skin or not. Therefore, in order to survive the discrimination, it is important to find other ways of changing the way that the stereotypes view skin color. Also, one can choose to accept their existence and ignore the fact that they are being discriminated in public space. In the world we are living in, not everybody is a stereotype, and hence the discrimination will not be faced in all corners. Therefore, an individual can make through the day by surrounding themselves with people who appreciate their race. Besides, stereotypes can result in chaos and violence in the society. Staples shows this through the reaction to the people who discriminated him. He did not feel offended neither did he question them for their behavior. Instead, he made a personal choice of changing his appearance so that the stereotypes can change their point of view about who Staples was. As a result of compromising with the situation, Staples ended up changing his dress code and personality to fit the stereotypes expectations of class and professionalism. After the change, Staples did not face as much discrimination as compared to his earlier books. Therefore, the key to overcoming the discrimination of stereotypes is by ignoring them and avoiding conflict as much as possible. The public space is full of such space and therefore, giving them attention will only be wasting somebodys time that should instead be used in carrying out constructive things. A combination of people from different races is what builds a n ation due to the diversity of ideas. The emotions and attitudes of a person can help them go through a day of discrimination. Staples points out a time whereby people would make negative comments about him in his presence. As a way of hiding his anger, he would just smile and walk away. This has been proven to be an effective way of avoiding negative energy, especially in the workplace. Whenever a person makes a negative comment, and the person it was directed to reacts by smiling, then it leaves the later feeling embarrassed and intimidated. Therefore, once people have gotten used to ones character of ignoring the negative energy, then it will be difficult to discriminate them. Instead, people will be left with no options but accommodating such a person. As well, some stereotypes make such comments in order to pick an argument with a person. Therefore, ignoring them would be a good solution to avoid the conflict. Staples put a lot of effort in convincing people that their view about him was wrong. He says that people are quick to judge and hence, in such cases, it is important to show ones level of intelligence by the manner in which they respond to stereotypes. In some cases, someone can give an answer that will keep people thinking and regretting the reason as to why they gave a negative comment. The fight does not have to be physical. Concisely, Black Men and Public Space is a great essay that acts as an allegory to todays life. Our society is full of stereotypes of every kind and people who are out to discriminate others in regard to their race and cultures. It is the obligation of every individual who feels like a victim of discrimination to find out ways of fighting the discrimination. As outlined above, avoiding negative energy, changing ones personality, and accepting the existence of stereotypes are the ways through which an individual can avoid feelings of discrimination. Given the fact that a persons race will always remain to be the same regardless of how much they try to change, it is important to understand the social circle to avoid being caught up in negativity. Staples provides good examples of how an individual should not allow racial discrimination to disrupt their day to day activities. In the case whereby an individual has tried their best to convince others about who they are, they should be rea dy to face any responses. Whether negative or positive, life must move on.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Essay on The media perpetrating negative stereotypes of...

For as long as anyone can remember the battle between youths and older generations has been fuelled by the media†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"playgrounds have been turned into battlegrounds† and words are now a lethal weapon. It is a binary opposition which has been taken to extraordinary levels and waged a war between adolescents and adults. The media has taken the stereotype of youths, the way the public view youths and the way in which youths view themselves, and exploited the idea, turning it into nothing, but a delusional monster. The youths of society are tomorrow’s future leaders, inventors and scientists, eager to learn and offering new perspectives. The media however, has hijacked the appearance of teenagers, constructing a distorted idea, and warping†¦show more content†¦The writer, with supported arguments from faceless â€Å"experts†, continuously refers to society’s teens as fast approaching their ill-fated future, where it seems that in one way or another, a massacre will be the end result from a generation exuding violence. To state the prospect of an impending massacre, similar to those from across the globe is a colossal leap from the truth; the writer, uses this anomaly and warps it into an unrealistic â€Å"truth†, and in doing so has implanted a seed of fear and app rehension in the audience’s minds, evoking a sense of security, justice and safety. It is this fear which cultivates the aggression and negative attitudes towards youths, and the attribute with which the media abuses to gain control of their audience and influence societal beliefs. The article goes on to state that in youth culture violence and criminal activity is beginning at a younger age; this so-called â€Å"evidence† is based on the actions of ONE child, and to generalise an entire population based on the idiotic actions of one completely distorts the truth and is grossly unfair. The profuse use of the description â€Å"thug† and criminal-like terminology throughout the entire article portrays ALL teenagers as dangerous criminals who uphold â€Å"gangster† traits; this description is then furthered by the verification of â€Å"experts†, with absolutely no indication of statistical proof. This so-called â€Å"truth† yet again fails to address all points fairly, andShow MoreRelatedShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1470 Words   |  6 Pagesmarijuana smoking was mostly performed by the lower class and immigrants, mainly of Mexican origin. Therefore, the association between the use of marijuana with violence and crime was not born with evidence, but rather by association made through the media that portrayed marijuana as a dangerous drug comparable to narcotics and opiates that were of greater popularity at the time. Since there was little distinction among illicit drugs—such as heroin, cocaine, and marijuana—they were all thought to beRead MoreHoward Becker s The On Opium Addiction3802 Words   |  16 Pagesindividuals so label. Labeling theory is the theory of how the identity toward oneself and conduct of people may be dead set or affected by the terms used to depict or group them. It is connected to the ideas of fulfilling toward oneself prescience and stereotype. The theory holds that deviance is not innate t, but rather concentrates on the inclination of greater parts to adversely label minorities or those seen as deviants from standard social norms. The theory was conspicuous in the 1960s and 1970s, andRead MoreSocial Influence4418 Words   |  18 PagesPeople will tend to obey authority figures. * Liking: People are more easily swayed by people they like. * Scarcity: A perceived limitation of resources will generate demand. [edit] Unanimity Social Influence is strongest when the group perpetrating it is consistent and committed. Even a single instance of dissent can greatly wane the strength of an influence. For example, in Milgrams first set of obedience experiments, 65% of participants complied with fake authority figures to administerRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words   |  319 PagesWillner, the event precipitating the emergence of charismatic activities involves a crisis that heightens the tensions already rife in the society. She seems to think that the event that acts as a catalyst for the charismatic eruption is usually negative. However, although the hardships of the 1920s and 1930s were indeed part of the precipitant situations, the crowning of Ras Tafari (his original name) as Haile Selassie, emperor of Ethiopia, was the main catalytic event that called the Rastafarian

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Environmental Hazards Cultural, Biological, Physical and...

Environmental Hazards: Cultural, Biological, Physical and Chemical An entirely different perspective is brought into focus as we consider some of the environmental hazards that accompany industrial growth and intensive agriculture. Some of the most dangerous hazards in this world are the outcome of purely voluntary behavior --- in particular, smoking tobacco and engaging in risky sexual activity. We will look at four classes of environmental hazards: Cultural, Biological, Physical and Chemical (Wright Boorse, 2011). Cultural Hazards. Many of the factors that contribute to morality and disability are a matter of choice or can at least be influenced by choice. People engage in risky behavior and subject themselves to hazards. Thus,†¦show more content†¦Physical Hazards. Natural disasters --- including hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, forest fires, earthquakes, landslides, and volcanic eruptions --- take a toll of human life and property every year. They are the outcome of hydrological, meteorological, or geological forces. However, the 12 months following November 2004 were unimaginably dreadful. During that time, three major natural disasters took nearly 300,000 lives and left millions homeless and without means of self-support: theShow MoreRelatedFour Categories of Human Environmental Hazards Essay865 Words   |  4 PagesCategories of Human Environmental Hazards Everest Online University EVS1001-26 Environmental Science Professor Deborah Builder September 6th, 2012 The Four Categories of Human Environmental Hazards There are many exposures to hazards in our environment today that brings along the risk of an injury, different types of diseases, and even in some cases death. These hazards are called human environmental hazards. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Reflection Paper On Time Management - 733 Words

This semester I learned a lot about the management process that takes place in healthcare organizations. The five concepts that resonated with me, along with how I feel they fit with the storyboard above are: planning, time management, organizing, staffing, controlling. Firstly, when I look at this picture I can see the fog and the lamp post. The reason I chose planning is because the benefit of planning allows the healthcare organizations’ goals to be organized and you can document the expectations and results (Barriga Patel, concept 3, slide 3). The picture lacks a clear goal and vision as the fog is covering up the view of the top of the lamp post, and if organizations do not plan well, their establishment can very much get fogged†¦show more content†¦The concept of staffing was one that I felt, could fit well with this picture as well. Assessing performance helps managers and employees know how they are doing and what they can do to reach new goals or current goals that are not yet met (Klebern, concept 6, slide 15). This related to the picture because, the traffic light stands as the assessment sheet, where red means not meeting expectations, yellow means meets expectations, and green would stand for exceeding expectations. The lamp post represents the height that the employee wants to reach. The light is red so the employee needs to work harder to reach his/her goals in order to reach the view at the top of the lamp post. Assessments can be scary, but it is important to know how you are doing, so that if there is something that needs to be improved on than it can be done so, sooner than later. This will help you get better at your job along with help the company, so it is a win for everyone. The last concept to fit this picture was of control. Control has to be just right (Clarke, concept 8, slide 4). A manager should be able to convey messages without being too overbearing or without coming off as someone who doesn’t care at all. The traffic light represents the balance of control as they have been set to allow enough traffic to keep moving at all times. Managers have to hold their ground and not be afraid to raise redShow MoreRelatedStr 581 Ethics Reflection Paper1378 Words   |  6 PagesRunning head: Ethics Reflection Paper Ethics Reflection Paper University of Phoenix |Content |General Comments | |The paper explains the role of ethics and |The key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. The content of your | |social responsibility in developing a |write up is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive. The conclusion is logicalRead MoreDeming 14 Point1156 Words   |  5 PagesInclude the plan in your paper. This paper is due at the end of Week Three of the course. Content, style, and grammar are all important to the grade. 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Ticket Booking System Of Indian Cinema Chains And...

A PROJECT REPORT ON TICKET BOOKING SYSTEM IN INDIAN CINEMA CHAINS AND IMPROVEMENTS MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Session 2013 – 2015 Submitted by MOHIT CHAUDHARY (13810050) DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,ROORKEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Any assignment puts to litmus test of an individual knowledge credibility or experience and thus sole efforts of an individual are not sufficient to accomplish the successful completion of a project. It involves interest and efforts of many people and so this obligatory on the part to record my thanks to those who helped me out in the successful completion of my project. Life is a process of accumulating and discharging debts, not all of those can be measured. We cannot hope to discharge them with simple words of thanks but we can certainly acknowledge them. At this level of understanding it is often difficult to completed and assimilate a wide spectrum of knowledge without proper guidance and advice. Hence, I would like to thank my advisor DR. ZILLUR RAHMAN, for sharing his time to guide me every week helping my project run smoothly. Finally, I would like to thank every committee member for guiding me in the project. Mohit Chaudhary Table of Contents TOPICS PageShow MoreRelatedMovie Exhibition 2013 Avengers6511 Words   |  27 Pagesthan $1 billion each in global ticket sales (see Exhibit 1). Behind the scenes, the success, even the fundamental health of the exhibition industry, is far less clear, however. Consider these contradictions: - Domestic ticket revenues grew 6 percent in 2012, but that volume ranks just 13th since 1980. 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Community Health Information Network Analysis free essay sample

Community Health Information Network Analysis D. Metoye Dr. G. Hanney May 30, 2010 MHA616 In today’s challenging environment of lowered reimbursements and narrowing margins, many independent health care organizations find it beneficial to align themselves with Community Health Information Network. Community Health Information Network or CHIN is a combination of telecommunication and network capabilities that links healthcare stakeholders throughout a community. (Tan Payton 2010) Most CHINs have focused on meeting the needs of the private sector and the health industry. They also offer great promise for meeting the health information needs of the public, while integrating the interest of the broader community with the business ad clinical needs for the health industry. St. Luke’s Episcopal Health Charities has initiated a one-of a health needs assessment process. In addition to awarding grants throughout Texas, it’s Healthy Neighborhood Initiatives has created the Community Health Information System. This is an on-line, interactive website that creates a concise picture of the demographic,  health and social data of the 57-counties of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. We will write a custom essay sample on Community Health Information Network Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The CHIS not only houses data  and tables on key social and health issues but also allows users to layer community data with community resources on interactive maps to receive a more complete picture of a community’s strengths and needs. (www. slehc. org/CHI/CHIS) The mission of CHIS (Community Health Information System) is to provide community health data to diverse audiences through the web-based Community Health Information System (CHIS). Web based interactive data is provided through interactive mapping. The web-based information includes  statistical  data on  community health, special reports, and community and child health well-being. These can be used to assist local community efforts to use information to advance community health. Early in 2000 the United Way and SLEHC (St. Luke’s Episcopal Health Charities) began to discuss the possibility of bringing the Community Resource Database of the United Way, which contained information on over  5100 human service agencies, into their online Community Health Information System (CHIS). This partnership intent is to provide users the opportunity to see a broader picture of community health status and to identify a selected areas assets as well as its needs. (www. slech. org/CHIS/CHI) In its assessment efforts, SLEHC partners with community-based organizations, community residents, and academic institutions, such as The University of Texas School of Public Health (UTSPH), Preschool for ALL, St. Luke’s Health Care System, The University of Texas Health Science Center of Houston. These providers work together to identify ongoing high priority community health needs, especially in medically underserved neighborhoods. The collaborations of the above community- based organizations include a web-based, interactive community health information system offering census data, vital statistics, and asset mapping at the sub county level. Presently identifiable data of geographical areas of interest are stored, and information about the community resources are available and statistics on the population and health-related characteristics of that area. Also, included in the stored data is information about more than 12,000  community resources in a 13 county area of the Texas Gulf Coast. Available services and programs include  health clinics, food pantries, shelters and many other useful sources of information. Users of the data interactive web can layer these services over demographic maps to locate services and help identify service gaps and duplications. (://www. findarticles. om/p/articles) The CHIS of St. Luke’s Episcopal Health Charities serves the community well, it allows users to layer data with community resources to receive a more complete picture of the strengths and needs . Newest features of CHIS is Project Safety Net, a bi-lingual resource listing for all safety net clinics in Harris, County Texas, and Breast Health Portal listing a current and free access information for breast health services in contiguous counties. www. slehc. org) References Tan, J. and Payton, F. Adaptive Health Management Informatio n Systems (2010) 3rd ed Jones and Bartlett Publishers; Sudbury Massachusetts St. Luke’s Episcopal Health charities (http/: www. slehc. org/CHI/CHIS/) Braly, Damon ( Jan1995) Health Management Technology â€Å" CHIN update: progress in community network development community health information network: (http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles)

My Testimony The End of the Road Essay Example For Students

My Testimony The End of the Road Essay On September 29, 1981, I committed a horrible crime against society. I committed a crime of murder that took the life of an innocent young (19) woman. She was the mother of a child, a daughter of a man and his wife, a sister of her siblings, and a friend to many. This crime also affected her family, my family, the community, the men and women of law enforcement and the justice system. For this I have constantly been remorseful and reminded of the pain and the suffering I have caused. During my time in prison I struggled for many years to turn my life around and take responsibility for what I had done. My sentence began in the Ohio State Penitentiary (Columbus) it was there that like any other, I was subjected to ridicule, bullying, being gazed upon by other men as property, and it was there that my punishment would be slow, severe, and where I realized that I may never get out again. Soon I was transferred to the Southern Ohio Correctional facility, known to all as Lucasville and The end of the road. At the time Lucasville was Ohios final destination for the worse of the worse. I am not going to say that I did not belong there, I DID! I was scared and felt that I could not be like the rest of those guys who had made their retirement package, which included a cell, lousy food, and loneliness, the worse anyone could ever feel. I was a young twenty (20) year old among those who had spent years on death row and several years without human interaction or human companionship. I had a rough way to go. It took five years for me to finally break down and admit that I could no longer live my life without forgiveness. I had hated myself so much that I allowed myself to be abused, mistreated, unhealthy, disrespected, and misused. I was so far into a deep remorse that I thought I was supposed to just beat myself beyond recognition. I opened a book given to me while I was in the county jail, not but a week in. It was the Upper Room. Inside this booklet was an index card that stated, Chose this day for Gods forgiveness. But, how was I to ask for anyones forgiveness, let alone Gods, if I wasnt even able to forgive myself? This issue of the Upper Room, dated September-October 1981 had focused on forgiving ones self. It wasnt until then that I was able to truly understand what being remorseful meant. It meant that I had to accept my responsibilities for MY actions that hurt so many people. It meant that I had a lot of work to do to become truly remorseful. My actions from then on had to come by repenting, and creating a positive road towards freedom. Between the years of 1985 and 2007 I had given so much of myself to God, the community and to those out here. In august 2007 I was granted a parole by the Ohio Adult Parole Authority (OhAPA), however, because of the absolute right of the victims they were granted a full board hearing to dispute my homecoming. The OhAPA determined during that hearing that a continuance be given until November 2012. I was given another five years to serve. I wrote to the OhAPA and thanked them for allowing the people of the family and my own family to share their input for further consideration. Although I did not understand, I embraced the continuance as another opportunity to prepare myself to be Able and Ready to take on the responsibilities and obligations of being a parolee. I enrolled in yet another program that taught me how to think, react, and face the trials and tribulations. I was able to quit smoking cigarettes, habit I had picked up after my arrest. In the end I thanked each member of the OhAPA and all the parties concerned that each day I am constantly asking myself WHY? Why did I hurt an innocent human being? .u322eac4e1afdf80168e6963198f41b2c , .u322eac4e1afdf80168e6963198f41b2c .postImageUrl , .u322eac4e1afdf80168e6963198f41b2c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u322eac4e1afdf80168e6963198f41b2c , .u322eac4e1afdf80168e6963198f41b2c:hover , .u322eac4e1afdf80168e6963198f41b2c:visited , .u322eac4e1afdf80168e6963198f41b2c:active { border:0!important; } .u322eac4e1afdf80168e6963198f41b2c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u322eac4e1afdf80168e6963198f41b2c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u322eac4e1afdf80168e6963198f41b2c:active , .u322eac4e1afdf80168e6963198f41b2c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u322eac4e1afdf80168e6963198f41b2c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u322eac4e1afdf80168e6963198f41b2c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u322eac4e1afdf80168e6963198f41b2c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u322eac4e1afdf80168e6963198f41b2c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u322eac4e1afdf80168e6963198f41b2c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u322eac4e1afdf80168e6963198f41b2c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u322eac4e1afdf80168e6963198f41b2c .u322eac4e1afdf80168e6963198f41b2c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u322eac4e1afdf80168e6963198f41b2c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Berhad Proton Commerce EssayI dont know. But what I have come to learn is that circumstance, situation, past pain, past memories, when not dealt with in a healthy manner can often cloud ones thinking and their ability to deal with stressful moments. I would like to stress to all who have read this, that no matter what I have accomplished, and how happy I felt getting released, there is a woman who lost her life who will never ever feel these feelings, and it makes me cry more for her than for the happiness I feel with all of you. So please tonight remember her in your prayers. Her name was Robin. Because of this I served 377 months (Thirty-One and 1/2 Years) in prison. I was released Thursday, February 21, 2013. Upon release I enrolled (March 2013) in Everest University (Online) in an attempt to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. I have not done as well as I would have liked so far, but I am still here and still doing the right things.

Monday, April 20, 2020

The Merchant of Venice Coursework Essay Shylock; Victim or Villain Example For Students

The Merchant of Venice Coursework Essay Shylock; Victim or Villain On the first reading of Shakespeares play, The Merchant of Venice, the character of Shylock the Jew seemed to me to be that of a villain. Because it is a play, an audience in Shakespeares time may well have thought the same and, indeed, may have been expected to do so. The reason for this is that Elizabethan audiences expected to be shown stereotypes and it is down to the skill of the dramatist to keep them guessing. As the play unfolds, the character of Shylock develops so that he can also be seen, by more discerning audiences, as a victim. Exploring this contrast between the two views is something I find very interesting. We will write a custom essay on The Merchant of Venice Coursework Shylock; Victim or Villain specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Throughout that part of the play in which he features, Shylock gives us many opportunities to see different aspects of the character that Shakespeare portrays, as I intend to show. Three thousand ducats. From Shylocks first words, Shakespeare shows him to be focussed on his job as a moneylender, which was one of the very few professions that Jewish men could have had in a Christian city. From the very beginning, an Elizabethan audience would have seen Shylock as a business man, driven by the unwavering desire for profit at the expense of the Christians whom he despises. When Bassanio comes to take out a loan in Antonios name, Shylock shows immediately that he will grant it I think I will take his bond. , but not for the reasons he gives to Bassanio. Although the Jew pretends friendship to the pair, I would be friends with you, and have your love, he is all the while plotting some way of ridding himself of Antonio, who, besides being a Christian, is a personal enemy of Shylock, How like a fawning publican he looks! I hate him for he is a Christian. This hatred, however, is not without a past. Shylock tells the audience how, by Antonios actions, his profits as a moneylender have been damaged, He lends out money gratis, and brings down the rate of usance. , and of how he has suffered on account of Antonios harsh words, You call me a misbeliever, cut-throat dog, and spit upon my Jewish gabardine. So even though Shylocks villainous side is on view, his hatred is not entirely without reason and with a thirst for vengeance such as his, you can see why he would feel the need for revenge. Shylocks apparent good humour lulls the two gentlemen into a false sense of security, so that when he insists on charging no interest, Antonio at least is not suspicious. Instead Shylock jokes with the pair saying that If you repay me not on such a day .. let the forfeit be nominated for an equal pound of your fair flesh. Even though his blood-thirsty bond shows Shylock to be both cruel and vindictive, I think that Antonios past actions are some justification for Shylocks attitude. Before Shylock leaves his house to attend Bassanios dinner party, he seems ill at ease. He calls for his daughter, Jessica, with strict instructions over her duties and her behaviour during his absence. Shylock seems unsure whether he should attend the supper, for he fears that in his absence something awful will happen, There is some ill a-brewing towards my rest, for I did dream of money bags tonight. , nevertheless he decides to go. The situation is made worse when Lancelot, who has recently left his job as Shylocks servant and has no reason to be afraid of him anymore, starts teasing the Jew about his premonitions and his wariness about leaving the house. It seems to me that Shylock leaving the house of an evening is a rare occurrence. Hear you me Jessica, lock up my doors. Shylocks obsession over every single detail shows his protectiveness of both his money and his daughter. Although this makes him seem very miserly, his reasons are understandable. As without his money he has no security nor any means of maintaining his social status. Shylocks attitude towards Jessica can be seen as either cruelty or over-protectiveness. I think it is the latter, mainly because in those days, it would be normal for a Jewish father with a daughter of marriageable age. On reading the play we can assume, because Jessica is the one managing the house and the fact that there is no reference to her mother being there, that she has had only her fathers attitude to relate to. In his turn Shylock would have had only the role-model of a traditional Jewish father to guide him. When he hears about the masque, Shylock immediately instructs Jessica to Stop my houses ears .. let not the sound of shallow foppery enter and not to thrust your head into the public street to gaze on Christian fools demonstrating his knowledge of how drunken young men might behave. Shylocks concerns however, are wasted on Jessica, who later that night plans to elope with Lorenzo, taking most of Shylocks money with her O Lorenzo .. I shall end this strife, become a Christian and thy loving wife. This dramatic irony may have proved entertaining to an Elizabethan audience, but it is really one of the worst things to happen to Shylock. To my mind, Act 2 Scene 8, where Shylock realises that Jessica has not only eloped, but taken a great deal of his money as well, seems to be one of the most tragic scenes in the play. This, however, is not its main purpose. In this scene the plot is moved forward, and the device used is two unimportant people, like a Greek chorus, telling us what has happened. The famous speech, My daughter! O my ducats! that is reported by Salarino and Solanio, serves to deflate Shylocks character, that had dominated the play before. Shylock had become hysterical. I never heard a passion so confused. As a result he has been made a public figure of fun, taunted by the boys of Venice as he wanders the streets, searching for his daughter. The way it is reported to the audience, is one that reinforces the Jewish stereotype: that he would value his money more than his daughter. Throughout this part of the scene, Shylock is never referred to by name, merely as the dog Jew or the villain Jew which is dismissive. The scene now looks forward to the parting of Antonio and Bassanio, as the two of them are separated. The reference to how deep the love is between them, and with affection wondrous sensible he wrung Bassanios hand, and so they parted. I think he only loves the world for him. , was added to lighten the mood, and to try to lift the doubt that has been set in the audiences mind after learning that a shipwreck has occurred in the Narrow Seas. This increases the dramatic tension, because if the ship belongs to Antonio then he will not be able to pay for the bond. This is especially worrying, as with Shylock raging for his lost daughter and money, he will have no qualms about exacting the penalty of a pound of flesh. This scene was used, I think, to create more of a contrast between the Jews and the Christians, and to increase the audiences dislike of Shylock. However, although Solanio and Salarino are trying to make Shylock look even more like a villain, the way they make fun of his loss and his grief, make him seem to me more a victim than ever. In Act 3 Scene 1, where Shylock next appears, his true character shows through most clearly. At the beginning, Solanio and Salarino confirm, that it was indeed one of Antonios vessels that was wrecked in the English Channel, and that they are concerned for him. When Shylock enters, the two men immediately begin to taunt and bait him, How now, Shylock, what news among the merchants? . .u6732f70f74d5087701b4df98026eef03 , .u6732f70f74d5087701b4df98026eef03 .postImageUrl , .u6732f70f74d5087701b4df98026eef03 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6732f70f74d5087701b4df98026eef03 , .u6732f70f74d5087701b4df98026eef03:hover , .u6732f70f74d5087701b4df98026eef03:visited , .u6732f70f74d5087701b4df98026eef03:active { border:0!important; } .u6732f70f74d5087701b4df98026eef03 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6732f70f74d5087701b4df98026eef03 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6732f70f74d5087701b4df98026eef03:active , .u6732f70f74d5087701b4df98026eef03:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6732f70f74d5087701b4df98026eef03 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6732f70f74d5087701b4df98026eef03 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6732f70f74d5087701b4df98026eef03 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6732f70f74d5087701b4df98026eef03 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6732f70f74d5087701b4df98026eef03:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6732f70f74d5087701b4df98026eef03 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6732f70f74d5087701b4df98026eef03 .u6732f70f74d5087701b4df98026eef03-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6732f70f74d5087701b4df98026eef03:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: How would you direct Act3 Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet for a contemporary audience at the Globe Theatre EssayFirst they try to get him to react to Jessicas flight, I for my part knew the tailor that made the wings she flew withal,. Then they press him on the fact that he appears to have lost his investment in Antonios ship, not realising that it is really the pound of flesh he desires, It will feed my revenge. . Knowing that Shylock is feeling vulnerable, they persistently harass him until he loses his temper. When Shylock does react, the duo get a lot more than they had bargained for. Beforehand Shylocks obsession with his bond has been showing through, underlining his thi rst for Antonios blood. He says repeatedly, Let him look to his bond. . When Shylock can stand it no longer, he makes one of the most famous speeches in the entire play, beginning I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? It is a speech that, to an Elizabethan audience, would have been years ahead of its time, looking at racism from an almost modern perspective. The effect was that although Solanio and Salarino managed to achieve what they had wanted in provoking Shylock, they actually ended up looking like fools, with Shylock as the more powerful character. When the pair leave, it is the signal for Shylocks associate, Tubal, to enter, bringing yet more bad news. After searching for news of Jessica, Tubal returns with what he has found, I often came where I did hear of her, but cannot find her. The way Shylock reacts to these tidings is to curse Jessica, I would my daughter were dead at my feet, and mourn the loss of his money and jewels, rather than her flight. I think that this is mainly because Shylock is still coming to terms with Jessicas betrayal and his mind is in a state of turmoil. Another reason however, could be that with the blow to his pride and the way he sees money as equal to status, he is covering up the hurt he feels inside by trying to give the impression to his fellow Jews that it is the money that is the greater loss. Tubal is an interesting character because you cannot tell whether he is on Shylocks side or not. Throughout the conversation he appears slightly two-faced, sometimes coming out with a piece of good news, other men have ill luck too. Antonio as I heard , at which Shylock becomes jubilant, I thank thee, good Tubal: good news a ha, and sometimes being very spiteful, Your daughter spent in Genoa, as I heard, one night four score ducats. Which instantly depresses Shylock again, Thou stickst a dagger in me. This scene initially shows Shylock as victim, owing to Salarino and Solanios taunts. This is emphasised by Tubals snide comments, more surprisingly as he is also a Jew. However the villainous aspect of Shylocks character also emerges. His words reveal his deep hatred of Antonio and the reason for them, I will have the heart of him if he forfeit, for were he out of Venice I can make what merchandise I will,. After it is found that all of Antonios ships have been wrecked, taking with them the means to repay Shylock, Antonio is taken to a prison to await trial. By way of the jailor, Antonio has managed to arrange a meeting with Shylock in the street, in the hope of reasoning with him, I pray thee hear me speak. Shylock of course is on the defensive, and as he believes that attack is the best form of defence, he is lashing out at any attempt of Antonios to reason with him, I will not hear thee speak in order to hide the vulnerability that he is feeling inside. In Solanios words, Shylock is an impenetrable cur and will not be moved from his resolution to have his pound of flesh. His reason well I know: I oft delivered from his forfeitures many that have at times made moan to me; therefore he hates me. This scene really sets out, the reasons why Shylock has such a hatred of Antonio. At this point, an Elizabethan audience would really see Antonio as the suffering martyr and would support him for his goodness and his bravery coupled with dry humour in the face of death, These griefs and losses have so baited me that I shall hardly spare a pound of flesh tomorrow to my bloody creditor. The reason that both Shylock and Antonio are so sure that the Jew will win his case is because in Venice, justice comes above even the Doge (or Duke) and that it is not prejudiced towards the many different races that flock to the City. The Duke cannot deny the law since that the trade and profit of the City consisteth of all nations. So even though Shylocks fixation on his bond is outwardly very villainous indeed, he is just trying to carry out the law, and his attitude is due to him being victimised in the past. Set in the courtroom of the Dukes palace in Venice, Act 4 scene 1 is the longest and most complex scene in the play. It brings together all the different characters and stories that have been developing throughout the play. Before Shylock has even entered the court, there is prejudice forming against him from the Duke and the friends of Antonio. Thou art come to answer a stoney adversary, an inhuman wretch. This should not have been allowed to happen as not even the Duke can go against the law and his judgement is supposed to be unbiased. I do oppose my patience with his fury and am armed to suffer with a quietness of spirit. Again Antonio is ingratiating himself with the audience and the people around him, in his portrayal of the goodly Christian. Whether or not he is sincere, it is hard to tell, but I am of the opinion that he is not as virtuous as we are led to believe, trying to get more support for his cause. This means that the people around him, as well as the audience, are bound to see Shylock as even more of a villain than they would in other circumstances. When Shylock does enter the courtroom, the Duke immediately begins to patronize him, I think so too, that thou but leadest this fashion of thy malice to the last hour of act giving the Jew a chance to drop the charges against Antonio, releasing him from the bond. This is the Dukes way of saying, all right Shylock, youve made your point, now let Antonio go and well say no more on the matter but as he had said a moment before, Shylock is Uncapable of pity, void and empty from any dram of mercy and so will not be swayed from his decision, and even if he did, it would be admitting that the Christians have won, which he would never do. The Duke then goes on to say, insensitively, Glancing an eye on his losses that have of late so huddled on his back not sparing a thought for the fact that Shylock too, has recently lost money and jewels. Here, although feeling sorry for Shylock as the victim of the Christians words, I feel repelled by the answer he gives to the Duke, Youll ask me why I rather choose to have a weight of carrion flesh than to receive three thousand ducats. Ill not answer that but say it is my humour. Also, if he just gives in, his pride will be damaged, and it goes against his instincts to just allow the Christians total victory. .u32faf6cce9aed816e45c9e33cf9e651e , .u32faf6cce9aed816e45c9e33cf9e651e .postImageUrl , .u32faf6cce9aed816e45c9e33cf9e651e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u32faf6cce9aed816e45c9e33cf9e651e , .u32faf6cce9aed816e45c9e33cf9e651e:hover , .u32faf6cce9aed816e45c9e33cf9e651e:visited , .u32faf6cce9aed816e45c9e33cf9e651e:active { border:0!important; } .u32faf6cce9aed816e45c9e33cf9e651e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u32faf6cce9aed816e45c9e33cf9e651e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u32faf6cce9aed816e45c9e33cf9e651e:active , .u32faf6cce9aed816e45c9e33cf9e651e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u32faf6cce9aed816e45c9e33cf9e651e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u32faf6cce9aed816e45c9e33cf9e651e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u32faf6cce9aed816e45c9e33cf9e651e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u32faf6cce9aed816e45c9e33cf9e651e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u32faf6cce9aed816e45c9e33cf9e651e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u32faf6cce9aed816e45c9e33cf9e651e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u32faf6cce9aed816e45c9e33cf9e651e .u32faf6cce9aed816e45c9e33cf9e651e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u32faf6cce9aed816e45c9e33cf9e651e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Great Expectations an exciting opening to the story EssayAntonio at this point, has realised that it is fruitless to try and change Shylocks mind, You may as well do anything most hard as seek to soften that . his Jewish heart and does not want to satisfy Shylock by begging. Even when Bassanio offers the Jew six thousand ducats instead of three, Shylock replies that if the six thousand ducats were multiplied by six, he would still have his bond. Shylock also compares his bond with slavery, saying that if he told all those gathered there to Let them be free! Marry them to your heirs! that they would not, saying only that The slaves are ours. . His point is that he has bough t the bond, and it belongs to him, so why should their words make him give it up, arguing that If you deny me, fie upon your law I stand for judgement and that to deny him the bond would be breaking the law and going against all Venetian principles. So essentially, Shylock sees the advantages of hiding behind the law, which could be interpreted as the action of both a villain and a victim, but to me it is merely a tactical decision. The Duke decides that, unless a doctor that he has sent for to determine the matter comes, then he will dismiss the court. Nerissa, dressed as a lawyers clerk, then enters, bringing with her letters from Bellario. While the Duke reads these letters, Shylock, so confident of winning his case, is sharpening his knife in anticipation. This is a very threatening gesture, and to do that in the middle of the courtroom, in front of all those people, he must have known that with the law on his side, there was no way that he could lose. Gratiano especially takes great offence at this, and asks in anger and desperation Can no prayers pierce thee? Shylocks calm and collected reply, No, none that thou hast wit enough to make is unpleasant. Portia, in the guise of the lawyer Balthazar, then asks that Shylock be merciful, but is silenced by Shylocks On what compulsion must I? . Her silence however is short-lived and she immediately launches into her famous speech, beginning The quality of mercy is not strained, This speech, for Shylock, is the ultimate test of character and draws heavily on what Portia sees to be the values of Christianity. She tells how Mercy is above this sceptred sway meaning that mercy is a God-given gift, rather than the privilege of kings, and that we are most like God when we are being merciful, It is an attribute to God himself, and earthly power doth then show likest Gods when mercy seasons justice. Although this is a highly compassionate speech, it falls on deaf ears, My deeds upon my head! I crave the law, the penalty and forfeit of my bond, which has an echo of the trial of Jesus Christ. When Shylock says the line, An oath, an oath. I have an oath in heaven! Shall I lay perjury upon my soul? No, not for Venice he is bound to be seen as either victim or villain by different people, as to break an oath to heaven would be perjury, but might also be seen as an excuse. Shylock continues to show the villainous side of his character throughout the scene, saying such things as, By my soul I swear there is no power in the tongue of man to alter me. Also, from the moment Portia has arrived in the courtroom, she has given Shylock the opportunity to be merciful, Have by some surgeon, Shylock, on your charge, to stop his wounds, lest he do bleed to death. but every time Shylock has thrown it back in her face, I cannot find it, tis not in the bond always, completely fixated on the bond. Tarry a little just as Shylocks knife is about to enter Antonios chest, Portia comes out with her master-stroke. In the bond there is no clause that allows, in the taking of the forfeit, the spilling of any of Antonios blood. At this, Shylock suddenly becomes quite afraid as he sees that his case is failing, and we begin to see the stronger side of Portia, and the cruelty with which she intends to thwart Shylock, Thou shalt have justice more than thou desirest. Shylock realises that he must renounce his claim, but Portia uses his own words against him, pushing him so that he loses both his revenge and the money Thou shalt have nothing but the forfeiture, to be so taken at thy peril, Jew From a gloating man, triumphant in the prospects of revenge, Portia has stripped Shylock of all he hoped to gain, and still she is not satisfied. Finally, Shylock is forced to become a Christian. This is the worst possible thing that could happen to Shylock. Even though Antonios action is supposedly merciful I dont think he realises that he has just destroyed the very essence of who Shylock is. Now, not only his daughter and much of his money have been taken from him, but his religion and his pride. When he utters the words I am content I feel so much sympathy for him as a victim, and he leaves the courtroom humiliated, a broken man. The difference between the views of a 16th century audience and a 21st century audience is that first and foremost, we in the 21st century have had the opportunity to read and study the script, whereas in Elizabethan times, the audience would have been swung first one way then the other as the plot unfolded. Nowadays we also have very different views on how to behave, for example, racial prejudice is recognized and controlled by law, unlike then, where it was acceptable for people to make racist comments. Portia herself openly says of Morocco Let all of his complexion choose me so. From a 16th century audiences point of view, not much would actually be known about other races, therefore Shylock as an outsider, would be seen as more of a villain. Overall I think that Shakespeare intended Shylock to be seen as a villain, because he knew that that was what would please his audience, but he has written a complex character, that is bound to raise questions from the more thoughtful members of any audience, for instance, when Antonio sentences him to become a Christian, he knows that Shylock will no longer belong to the Jewish community, but will never be able to belong to the Christian community either a paper Christian. What is interesting is that those who compel him to conform, in this case Portia and Antonio, are as much paper Christians as he is, for example, in her long speech, Portia talks at length of the quality of mercy, yet when she might have shown mercy to Shylock, she carried on, until she had taken from him all he held dear. In my opinion, I believe that it is impossible to separate victim and villain as they are not opposites. They overlap, and so I cannot define the character of Shylock as one or the other, as there is evidence of both, although I think that is what Shakespeare himself was thinking when he wrote the part.