Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Impact of Employee Involvement in Hiring and Promotions Process of Assignment

The Impact of Employee Involvement in Hiring and Promotions Process of Public Administration Agencies - Assignment Example The dissertation looks at the goal of how beneficial employee involvement could be among public administration agencies if it is practiced during hiring and promotions processes. To this end, the topic of the dissertations is stated as: â€Å"the impact of employee involvement in hiring and promotions process of public administration agencies.† Considering the nature of the topic, which touches directly on an identified institution, it would be true to say that there will be a lot of institutional reviews needed for the research. Institutional review of the research would come in two major forms and formats. In the first place, there ought to be an institutional review that looks at the ethics and rules of engagement in the identified institution in the conduct of research of this nature. Even though this may generally be an academic exercise, it is important that some basic rules of research including the need for ensuring confidentiality and anonymity of data are reserved. As much as these standards are adhered to, the institutional reviews needed on the part of the awarding institution, which is the university will also be catered for to a very large extent (Schein, 2004). For a higher academic level dissertation preparation of this nature, it is always important for the researcher to appreciate the fact that all knowledge cannot rest with him alone (Schein, 2004). What this means is that the researcher would always, and at one point in time or the other need the inputs of other people in making highly informed choices on the dissertation. Considering the fact that the dissertation preparation goes through many different stages, it would be more than true to say that at every point or stage in the preparation of the dissertation, the input of some people will be needed.  

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