Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Auto Mobile vs Amusement Park Safety Essay Example for Free

Auto Mobile vs Amusement Park Safety Essay Automobiles today are built with many different safety features, and these are so the person(s) within the vehicle do not get injured and or killed. Also these features are not to only protect the people(s) but also the company that the automobile came from, so for example if someone was driving a car and got into a serious wreck and the air bags did not deploy therefore injuring the victim then they could sue the automobile company for money, a new car, pain and suffering, etc. Some of these safety features include Brakes, Airbags, seat belts, and more. When talking about brakes in a car you’re going to want to know what it is your getting because there are many different options in brakes, some examples of this being your regular brakes like you push down the peddle softly and the car with start to slow down or Anti-Lock Brakes or ABS, The primary purpose of anti-lock brakes is to prevent a cars wheels from locking during panic braking. By allowing the car to slow in a more controlled manner, the driver can often maintain better steering control and avoid an accident. Brakes can easily be interpreted by Newtons first law of motion which states that every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force. So a car is moving along the road and the car steps of the gas now the car will eventually stop from the friction of the pavement to the tires but let’s say it doesn’t. So while the car is moving at the speed you let off the gas the car will keep moving at the same speed unless acted on by an opposing force which in this case are the brakes. Know the brakes are applied and what brakes do is they but force of the tiers of the car and that produces friction on the tiers which in term slow the tires down thus slowing the car down. Airbags in a car are extreme safety features because they keep a person(s) from potentially coming out of the front window; seat belts will also do the same but with a little more added protection. So say a car were to hit you from behind what would happen? Well besides your car being wrecked. The body(s) would start moving forward. This is because of part of Newton’s first law of motion which states a body at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by another force. So your car is sitting at a stop light but the car behind you does not stop so they run into the back of you well your body will fly forward. Because you were at rest and then a force came and pushed you out of rest therefore moving you in the same direction as the car that hit you. So the air bag and seat belt are there to stop you from flying forward and getting severely injured. Amusement park rides and cars have some of the same safety features and even if there not called the same thing they do the same thing for example a seat belt in a car is the same as the harness on a roller coaster. In my opinion I find roller coasters safer then cars because there are equipped with the same features but there are few outside forces to mess with it unlike a car. Because unless due to a technical problem a roller coaster cart will not smash into another roller coaster cart. Amusement park rides also have brakes most of these are more heavy duty breaks then car but then again your taking a one ton car vs. a potentially one hundred ton ride so you’re going to need that extra power to help. Some would argue that to many safety features on an amusement park ride can take the thrill away, I would have to disagree with that because I myself have been on many and I feel thrill every single time. But in a ride if there are many safety features then usual then that will typically mean that the ride is potentially more dangerous than a lesser safety featured ride and this can be because of high speeds, higher altitudes and so on. So if you come to a ride with many safety features it’s not because they want to take away the thrill but because they want to make you safe and once again like automobile company’s not get sued.

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