Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Essay on The Battling Psyche - 1676 Words

The Battling Psyche The human psyche is a mysterious and unknown force that human beings have attempted to understand for centuries. It is understood that as human being we possess this psyche, however the nature of this psyche is not known and has thus been examined and hypothesized upon by many great minds. Literature in particular seeks the means to offer a theorized explanation of the workings of this mysterious psyche in a multitude of ways, from scientific writings, to poetry and fiction. Although these thoughts lie subtly embedded in the fictional stories, they often offer the best explanations. Two of the earliest and best known American writers that attempted to explain such a complex matter in their stories are Nathaniel†¦show more content†¦Due to the failure of his mental state Roderick’s psyche can be observed from outside perceptions so that one can examine the inner manner of that which they possess themselves, but are unable to view objectively. When the narrator first en counters his old friend he is â€Å"at once struck with and incoherence – and inconsistency; and I soon found this to arise from a series of feeble and futile struggles to overcome an habitual trepidancy, and excessive nervous agitation† (717). The inner struggles of the human psyche are brought outwards through Roderick. The narrator can physically perceive the inner struggle and inconsistency that Roderick’s mind is undergoing. Throughout his stay, the narrator observes these battles with more intensity and the reader to is able to see how hard the mind battles itself until finally it falls. With his sister’s assumed death, Roderick’s mind is at its breaking point, and when she comes back, Roderick dies of that which he has always feared of dying from: fear itself. Roderick’s fear or fear kills him due to his frail and lonely state of being. Nathaniel Hawthorne also focuses on the delicacy of the human psyche, but rather than examine this through fear, he examines the psyche through morality and sin. Just as Poe’s life was consumed by thoughts of death, Hawthorne constantly struggled with thoughts of sin. ThisShow MoreRelatedPsychological Thriller Media Studies1263 Words   |  6 Pageslonger reliant on physical strength to overcome their enemies but are reliant on their mental resources by battling for equilibrium in the characters preying on one another’s mind. For example; playing deceptive games. 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