Friday, November 8, 2019

Organizational Behavior Essays - Free Essays

Employee Attitude/Organizational Behavior Essays - Free Essays Employee Attitude/Organizational Behavior Introduction A happy worker makes for a good worker you say? Well, United Airlines had somewhat of an all for one employee attitude in July 1994. They announced the purchase of their own company for which they work for $5 billion through ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan). So now, in the case of United Airlines, there obviously is a soar in employee productivity and spirits. Stocks have risen 120% due to this buyout (almost three times higher than the airline industry average gain). Every company or small business owner desires a positive employee attitude within his or her organization for high productivity and quality. United Airlines achieved this because the employees themselves took action, but for the majority, it is the managements first move. Taking the Apple from the tree The Idiots Guide for Changing Employee Attitudes would say to pay the employee what O.J. paid his defense team. Take away the money part of a job then no one except an old volunteer worker for a Save the World Foundation or a simple dork is going to show favorable attitudes towards the job. Now lets get realbut I thought that we were! Money can hypnotize some employees to become a more productive worker, but not all employees. (And even the ones that are motivated at the first glimpse of dead presidents will soon want. you guessed it, more money in order to drag their lazy ass up the next step). What about Bill Gates techno wizards at Microsoft? What sum of money short of Bills own bank account is going to motivate these 30-year-old Gulfstream owners to change their snobbish attitudes? On a more practical basis, what about those employees who value intrinsic rewards over the monetary type? Not all employees will be weaned with the flash of cash. So we all must consider the fact that human beings will be consistent towards the general sense of satisfaction, but what sort of things lead to this satisfaction? What kind of satisfaction are we looking for? More so, what is going to satisfy an employee? Most of the research in the study of OB (Organizational Behavior) are concerned with job satisfaction, job involvement and organizational commitment. (Robbins, 1997) The second two attitudes, job involvement and organizational commitment, are more or less the results of job satisfaction. An employee who has a high level of job satisfaction tends to bear attitudes, which are favorable to the organization. When a prospective employee goes to that interview, there are going to be friends of that prospect who will give the most simple advice of Sell yourself! This is your chance to prove yourself to that important company! Little do those simpleton friends know that this is also the chance for the company to lay a sales pitch on the prospect too! Managers are concerned with the efficient operation and profit margin of the company more so than an employees job satisfaction. (Robbins, 1997) To managers, an employees job satisfaction is just an insurance that the employee will be productive and not skip work, and of course, to get the best man for the job. So of course, when a manager giving the interview favors a prospect, only the jobs favorable side will tend to be revealed. The prospect is told of a wonderland where the corporate ladder is actually a stepping stool. There is no mention of the negative sides, to which the manager does a David Copperfield on. The applicant now has expecta tions about this job that has to be met by the job or there will be a lot of dissatisfied employees. Balancing the positives with the negatives is important so that the employee will not be disappointed and become a problem that couldve been avoided from the beginning. (Robbins, 1997) Mirror, mirror on the wall. Successful leaders have vision, communicate well, make effective decisions, and motivate their followers. Employees are more likely to respond to a leader who is likable and credible. A leader who would want to change attitudes must have a very unbiased one. The managements attitude is going to give employees a very visual idea of how his or her job at the organization is going to generally be, and once

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