Sunday, August 18, 2019

Letter to My Family :: Disease Outbreak Health Essays

Letter to My Family To My Family, Where do I begin? I don't know how many Shelly's piano concerts I missed for this stupid job. Shelly, if you're reading this, I am really sorry. I wish I could make amends but there simply isn't enough time. Jacob, I am sorry I have to leave you even before I would see your first steps. Diana, my sweetheart, loving wife of 10 years, I owe you the most. All those nights that I stumbled home drunk. All those times that I hit you. I am sorry. I am a monster. I guess I do deserve to die like this. Last month I didn't even know where the hell Zaire was. All I knew was that it was some poor backwards nation in Africa that we sold water filters to. Funny how things turn out, I am going to die in this god forsaken place. Twenty people in this village have died. The rest that haven't probably wish they were. David is already dead. Honey, you remember David right? That junior assistant in our department I told you about? I never liked him. He died first too. Serves that prick right. He wanted to tag along on this trip hoping to attain "valuable sales experience." Always kissing up to the boss, that's David. He started complaining about soreness and a headache. Then the day before he died, he vomited all over my briefcase after lunch. We thought he was just complaining as usual four nights ago, but in the morning we found him in his hut dead. I will never forget that sight. His eyes and mouth were both wide open and trails of dried blood ran from them. At first, we th ought one of the villagers poisoned us or something. But then, one of the villagers started screaming as loud as he could. He stumbled and ran in the woods afterwards. We never saw him again. I knew this was bad news already. But it only got worse. The UN folks showed up wearing suits that looked like they were taken straight out of a movie or something. They were all covered up and some of them even had oxygen masks. They prodded David like a dead cow and even stuck a few needles into him.

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