Saturday, August 31, 2019

Red Bull Marketing Strategy Essay

Business Unit 3 Marketing Of ‘Red bull’ Introduction As part of my marketing assignment, I will be looking at the marketing of a consumer product or service. Therefore, my chosen product is ‘Red bull’, which is an energy drink. I have assumed that my product is targeted at people that have similar situations to the ones used in advertisements for red bull. I will be looking to spot if the strategy used is based on the principles of marketing: O Understanding consumer wants: to become successful, it is vital for a business to understand the wants and needs of its target audience. For example the needs and wants of a target audience for a high street retail store depend upon the age, style and income of its customers. O Understanding and keeping ahead of competition: businesses must consider their competitive markets as well as the products and prices provided by their competition in order to gain customers and provide a better standard of services and goods than other companies. This can be done through devising strong, different marketing strategies and by selling a product that is unique and efficient. O Communicate effectively with its customers to satisfy customer expectations: communication with customers is vital for a business to understand the wants and needs of their customers. A good relationship must be continuously created between a business and its customers to maximise its success. O Co-ordinate its functions to achieve marketing aims: co-ordination of functions is key to efficiency and therefore success. To maximise the success of a business, all of its marketing aims should be met. O Be aware of constraints on marketing activities. I will be also looking at the external impact on the marketing decisions, how the appropriate strategy is decided upon and how they are developed in order to meet consumer needs and the reliability of the different marketing models. â€Å"Red bull comes in two types, original and sugar free. This can be purchased at ? 1. 15 for 150ml† Features of Business Marketing†¦ O Consumers are of vital importance. Red bull has a far greater chance of being a success if it satisfies consumers’ needs. Marketing must be aimed at finding out what these needs are and making sure that Red bull meets it requirements. O Marketing is a business philosophy; it is not just a series of activities such as advertising or selling, but more a way of thinking about how to satisfy the consumers’ needs. O Marketing affects all aspects of a business. A production department would not continue making a product that does not satisfy the needs of the consumer at whom it is aimed. O Marketing is not just about selling. Selling is only one part of the marketing process. Before selling Red bull, they must carry out market research. O Marketing and advertising are not the same; advertising is just one of a number of tactics used by marketing departments. O Many businesses regard profit making as their main objective. Firms in competitive markets must make a profit in the long run to survive. Marketing must therefore satisfy their customers wants profitably. O Marketing involves building relationships with the customers of Red bull; profitable businesses are often built upon good customer relations. This may be dealing with their complaints in a careful and considerate manner. O Marketing is a process that is on going all the time, it does not have a start or an end as you can see below. Red bull must be prepared to respond to the changes that take place. The marketing process†¦ Red Bull – Gathering Market Information†¦ AO1 My reason for choosing Red Bull is because the drink has become incredibly successful at a very competitive advice. By choosing Red Bull I will find out what marketing strategies has made Red Bull so successful. What is Red Bull? Red Bull started off as an energy drink that stimulates mind and body. After becoming an international icon, Red Bull went on to sponsor extreme sports such as F1, sailing, surfing, bmx-ing, and many other extreme sports. Red Bull is a non-alcoholic drink with key ingredients, which have a proven revitalising effect on mind and body. Red Bull is a functional energy drink and therefore unjustly classified among the soft drinks. The Red Bull effect results from a combination of two natural substances and vital metabolic transmitters – the amino acids taurine and glucuronolactone – with stimulating caffeine, vitamins and carbohydrates. The effectiveness of Red Bull has been proven by a large number of scientific studies. Its function is not to quench thirst, but to improve endurance and alertness, to increase feelings of well being, to support the metabolism in short: to stimulate body and mind. The History In 1982, Dietrich Mateschitz came up with the idea of marketing energy Drinks, which were then already quite widespread in Southeast Asia while sitting in the bar at the Mandarin Hotel in Hong Kong. In 1984, Mateschitz founded the company known as Red Bull. In 1987, he started selling the energy drink Red Bull on the Austrian market. Red Bull got off the ground in no time, giving people ‘wiiings’ right from the start. In 1992, Red Bull touched down in its first foreign market, Hungary and in 1995 it was launched in the UK, which is now one of its largest markets.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Hanging (Out) with the Masters

At first glance, it is easy to think that not much is happening in Mark Kostabi’s Hanging with the Masters. We get to simultaneously view works of art from various art movements as they dangle motionlessly from their taut strings. Everything is nonchalant and serene against the sky blue background, the threat of gravity underneath disappears, and even the anonymous human figure tied to a noose by the neck has surrendered. Whatever was supposed to happen in the painting has already happened. No action is caught. This is the state in which we find things because we have unfortunately arrived late.This apparent lack of motion is what makes Hanging with the Masters so busy. By kidnapping an assortment of works of arts, miniaturizing and tying them in place to become manageable spectacles (classic paintings within a present-day painting), Mark Kostabi has converged, or more appropriately eroded, time and space. There is no nostalgia for the kidnapped paintings at all; just a matter -of-factness. Very postmodern. Taken out of their contexts and arranged in a whole new landscape, the works of arts inside the painting call attention to themselves. Each one of them competes for our attention.Even if we recognize only one of the paintings/mobiles/cartoon character Hanging with the Masters blatantly references, we still get the feeling a kidnapping has happened. Something has been violated and celebrated at the same time. The verb hang takes on two meanings: Hang a picture, Hang a person. As if decoration and decoration are the same thing. And Mark Kostabi is unapologetic. DEAD MAN PERFORMING In the middle of it all, there is the faceless, sexless artist with the paintbrush pointing downwards, the hanged human,—all red (red-faced, red-bellied, and red-handed) from an unseen light source. It is as if he/she has failed a mission.In the essay The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Walter Benjamin tells us that â€Å"[Mankind’s] self-alien ation has reached such a degree that it can experience its own destruction as an aesthetic pleasure of the first order† (681). After exhausting every possible medium and subject of art, from Campbell’s soup cans to elephant dung, we only have to turn to ourselves next, explore and defy the thresholds of our own body and mind, as if they are the next frontier to turn into art. True enough, the hanged artist in Hanging with the Masters is engrossed in his/her own performance art. He/she is both a subject and object.If in modernism the subject is a â€Å"rational, individualistic, responsible, unified self†, in postmodernism, that subject is dead (Chernus, â€Å"Fredric Jameson’s Interpretation of Postmodernism,† par. 7). What replaces is an â€Å"identity [that] must be conceived as an intersection of conflicting subject positions† (Collins 337). Kostabi’s hanged artist is neither male nor female. We can’t tell if he/she is just p laying dead. We are not sure if his/her execution was forced or self-willed. If this were punishment, we don’t know what the sin was. We aren’t even sure if he/she really is a painter, or just someone with a good grip on the paintbrush.Like a true postmodern subject, everything about the hanged artist is open to speculation. One thing we are sure of though is that now he/she has laid claim to being a work of art. And who doesn’t want to be a work of art, a shiny spectacle, in our YouTube generation? MEETING HALFWAY Hanging with the Masters instantly inherits timelessness just because it gathers samples of classic works of arts all in one place. What’s more is that these works of arts are tied in place. As if we are looking at a museum wall and the theme is A Very Short History of Art.Hanging with the Masters cleverly showcases cultural artifacts of the past (a nude, a cartoon character, a Warhol-style portrait, a mobile, an op-art painting), and at the sa me time it gives a commentary on those cultural artifacts. According to Jim Collins, â€Å"[†¦] the past is not just accessed but ‘hijacked’, given an entirely different cultural significance than the antecedent text had when it first appeared† (333). In postmodernism, such â€Å"highly self-conscious forms of appropriation and rearticulation have been used by postmodern painters, photographers and performance artists† (335).But because they have been hijacked, the works of art have lost their â€Å"aura† and â€Å"quality of presence†, terms which Walter Benjamin uses to describe the authority of the original work of art that is not yet reproduced or recopied (667). For Benjamin, this diminishing aura of the work of art every time it is reproduced or finds itself in a different context (Edvard Munch’s screaming man in a mousepad, for example) is okay because it â€Å"enables the original to meet the beholder halfway† (667) . Also, according to Benjamin, it is perfectly natural and okay for cultural artifacts to lose their original intentions and change into something else.His example is that of an ancient statue of Venus. For the Greeks, it was an â€Å"object of veneration†, but for people in the Middle Ages, it became an â€Å"ominous idol† (669). â€Å"Both of them, however, were equally confronted with its uniqueness, that is, its aura† (Benjamin 669). What we see now in Kostabi’s painting are works of art that are classic examples of the art movements they are part of. They are works of arts that are exclusively tied to a genre, tied in place in the painting’s unseen ceiling, just like the hanged artist. If there is any aura left, it is only a memory of that aura as we try to identify each work of art.Yet, ironically enough, Hanging with the Masters’s style itself is tied to the surrealist art movement. The painting itself cannot escape the same bonds whi ch have taken the other paintings as captives. But of course, this is okay. Everything in postmodernism is okay, and things are not judged based on whether they are good or bad, but only whether they work for us. According to Chernus: †¦a cultural artifact is now just a random collection of signs momentarily existing side by side, ready to change at any moment into another random collection. So it cannot point beyond itself to any meaning.It cannot represent any reality outside itself. It cannot even raise the question of its relationship to any reality outside itself. It refers only to itself; it is its own referent. [†¦] Since the signs are not supposed to relate to anything beyond themselves, it makes no sense to ask what they mean. So the problem of meaning simply disappears. (Chernus, par. 19). THE MEANINGLESSNESS OF IT ALL The meaninglessness of postmodernism can be depressing but that’s what is happening right now. The millions of YouTube video clips uploaded every day don’t have to make sense at all, but we enjoy watching them all the same.The more stupid and the more disgusting, the better. YouTube has given us a platform where we can be our own celebrities, our own artists, our own works or arts, where we can be viewed by millions other simultaneously. And we all wish we’d get lots of hits every day. Just like the hanged paintings in Hanging with the Masters, we try to be amazing so we can be worthy of being looked at. Underneath it all, just like the paintings, we are all just competing for each other’s attention. Maybe we can call each YouTube clip a cultural artifact in its own right. They, after all, tell a narrative.They tell us a little something about the person who uploaded it. They tell us that at one point in time, somewhere in the world, this person took the trouble of recording a clip of himself/herself, never mind the ulterior motive. Sure, for a cultural artifact, it may be fleeting, and it is not e ven tangible, but as each footage weaves into the next one and a medley of voices occur and we are overwhelmed by the sheer number of people out there in the world, a whole community our parents’ parents never knew existed back then, we lose the urge to explain things or make sense of them.We simply turn on our curiosity and enjoy the fact that all these are happening right here right now. As Chernus has said above, there is no reliable meaning anymore and there is no point in finding the relationships of things. It is quite possible then that Hanging with the Masters is really, at the end of the day, meaningless. That, really, it is just a collection of images randomly picked. If the audience recognizes one or two paintings embedded in Hanging with the Masters, then they’re lucky and good for them.That will add a new layer to whatever meaning they decide to put into it. If not, then the painting is still nice, and deep, and mysterious, still very marketable. Which is the fate of cultural artifacts in late capitalism: to become commodities in an everything-is-for-sale world (Chernus, par. 7). It is okay to not find or force any connections among the images trapped inside Kostabi’s painting, or even reunite them with other images outside the realm of the painting.For Chernus, the postmodern way is to â€Å"accept the images living side by side in an ever-changing kaleidoscope† (Chernus, par 26). In this postmodern world where diversity is very much welcome, Hanging with the Masters, as a present-day cultural artifact, makes a strong statement about harmony. In the end, it’s not just about works of art with clashing differences in style and opinion and meanings being able to coexist peacefully in a single canvas. Substitute â€Å"people† for â€Å"works of art† in the sentence and you get the bigger picture.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Why was the Nile River Important for the Rise of Successful States in Essay

Why was the Nile River Important for the Rise of Successful States in North Africa - Essay Example Scholars from the modern world have to piece together what they can find in order to make educated guesses about what happened before history books started to be written. One factor seems to be significant in several quarters of the world in early human history and that is the existence of particular regions that ideally meet the needs of human society. River deltas have been established as the earliest recorded locations of major civilizations in ancient times, such as the Persians, the Greco-Roman civilization, the Indians, the ancient Egyptians and the Chinese (Sherman, 2003). Archaeologists believe that human beings first shifted from a nomadic, hunter gatherer lifestyle, to a more settled, agriculture based lifestyle in regions that were fed by great river systems. The nutrients from fresh water rivers were gathered over millennia and over time they created fertile plains which were ideal for growing crops. As early humans learned to plant and harvest crops, rather than just gat her fruits and seeds that grew in the wild, they soon developed technologies like irrigation and long term storage facilities. The Nile provided a constant the supply of water so that the planted fields were irrigated, and food became plentiful. Cities grew up to store this food, and with increasing food surpluses humans gained the ability to have specialized professions. People were no longer living from hand to mouth, having to hunt or gather the next meal every day, because stored grain provided a certain security. New skills and trades developed in these cities, and the region around the Nile is one of these great early centers of human development. Much of the land in central and northern Africa is marginally habitable, with many areas of mountain and desert. The long river bank of the Nile provides the possibility of regular water supply and the development of trade between towns from the interior right to the edge of the Mediterranean. Land travel was difficult and slow in an cient times, and so the navigable waters of the Nile were like an ancient highway, allowing goods, people and ideas to be transported back and forth. The great Egyptian civilisation was highly dependent on the Nile as a channel of communication as well as a source of water for all human needs. Two great commodities were also available in the Nile region: vast quantities of clay, and also the reeds that could be soaked, fermented, and made into papyrus. So it was that the Nile provided the basics for writing, first using clay tablets that had marks pushed into them with a sharp, wedge-shaped implement, giving mankind the early cuneiform writing format. The tablets could be baked in the sun, making them a more permanent record. The disadvantage of clay is that it is heavy and it breaks easily. The invention of papyrus for writing on was an important technology that facilitated the transfer of ideas through scrolls that were passed along ancient trade routes. In the two millennia befor e the common era, the people living along the river Nile, and around its delta, were much more advanced than all of Northern Europe, thanks to the way that they learned to make use of the natural commodities that were available in this particular geographical context. It would be impossible to imagine the glorious ancient Egyptian civilization without the impact of the river Nile. The great monuments that exist even today such as the pyramids and the ancient town ruins would not have been possible without the availability of the slave workers, a great many of whom who came from central Africa and were transported in barges down the Nile towards the coastal region. Many of the stone quarries that provided the raw materials for building were also located upstream. It

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Strategic Management plant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strategic Management plant - Essay Example The opportunities that are available to the firm are that of growth and government support. Threats that the company is facing include pirate attacks, weak economy, and environmental pressure groups. In this report we have suggested three long term objectives for the company. First long term objective is to lower operating expenses to 1500 million Euros by year 5. The second long term objective is to increase revenue by 20 percent by the end of year 5. The third long term objective is to reduce environmental pollution by decreasing the use of environmentally dangerous fuel by 20 percent by year 5. By using the tools like Grand Strategy Selection Matrix and the Model of Grand Strategy Clusters we have reached a conclusion that concentric diversification strategy should be adopted by Hapag-Lloyd because of the large size of the firm and its relative position in the market. The key success factor for the company is to lower its operational cost. The whole industry is facing this problem and it is important for the company to solve this issue in order to maintain its competitive position. Another key success factor is to enter in similar businesses like air cargo services in order to achieve concentric diversification. ... Both the companies operated during the World Wars too and this shows the rich history of the company. It can therefore be safely concluded that the foundations of the shipping giant Hapag-Lloyd is quite strong. The size and stature of the company can be deduced by the fact that it is currently the fifth largest shipping firm in the world (Taylor, 2010). Hapag-Lloyd has offices in around 114 countries which show the extent of their business. The services offered by the company are aimed at providing ultimate customer satisfaction. The internal company structure is vertical with a board controlling all decision making. All international offices follow a standardized plan designed in the Hamburg headquarters. Although some levy is also given to the foreign offices so that they can adapt to the local environment. Hapag-Lloyd mainly targets high end customers who are willing to pay high prices for quality services. Currently the company is facing problems from the Somalia pirates who are looting and hijacking ships in Arabian and Indian oceans. Hapag-Lloyd is also facing pressure from environmental groups to reduce sea pollution. The industry in general is constantly searching to find environmental friendly ways to reduce pollution and preserve natural habitat. Increasing fuel prices is also affecting the shipping industry. Vision Statement The company does not have a vision statement currently. I would suggest the following vision statement, â€Å"Satisfaction of global clients by providing, safe, superior and quick services in an environmental friendly manner†. This vision statement broadly speaks to the external world about the business of the company. The mention of the word ‘global’

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Paper subject leadership and the topic about king abdullah the king of Research

Subject leadership and the topic about king abdullah the king of saudi arabia - Research Paper Example Saudi Arabia is one of the lucky countries in the Middle East since it has escaped many tribulations that are normally associated with other countries such as Afghanistan, Palestine and Iraq. However, the country is not where it is today through simple luck. Much of the credit for getting where the country is today goes to the leader himself, King Abdullah. It is impossible to talk about the all that King Abdullah has achieved as a national and international leader without touching on his leadership qualities (Sobhani 12). When King Abdullah came to the throne, he inherited a country that was sharply divided into two between the radical fundamentalists and liberal modernizers and reformists. Adaptability/flexibilityis one of King Abdullah’s strengths that have seen him lead the Saudis to their present prosperity, even when they are surrounded by politically and economically unstable economies. King Abdullah was able to adapt to the sweeping change around him a fact that enable d him to keep his country together (24). He was also able to adopt western technology in order to enhance the quality of life of Saudis. The King flexible nature has seen him enhance the rights of women and children in a society where women re not worth much (Reed and Lange 109). It is common to find in many cases that women in the Arab world are normally forced to take a backseat in every aspect of life. However, due to the King’s flexibility and open-mindedness, the women in Saudi Arabia are able to enjoy the same previledges as men. This has seen many females get access to education and political opportunities, something that was almost unheard of before (Reed and Lange 102). Any good leader must chow assertiveness in everything he does. By being assertive a leader is able to offer strong leadership even in the face of hardships and upheavals. In a country that has many desponded voices, a certain level of assertive leadership is necessary to ensure that things do not boil over to a level where it might become difficult to contain. King Abdullah’s assertiveness has enabled him to keep extremists such as Al-Qaeda and the Taliban outside his country’s borders. The king’s assertive nature has also seen him approach the issue of development with a strong hand which has endeared him to his countrymen and to the international community at large (Sobhani 33). Although he has opened up his country to develop using western aid and technology, King Abdullah ahs had the foresight to be assertive enough to retain the sovereignty of Saudi Arabia. Many Arab world countries have fallen to the pressures of the west due to weak leadership that is normally devoid of assertiveness. King Abdullah is also selfless and compassionate. He is one individual who has the capacity to put aside his interests so that he can serve other people. Whenever there is a problem in any of the neighboring countries, King Abdullah is normally the first out there offeri ng whatever kind of help is available at the time. Many times, the king has used his position as the Saudi King to engage in constructive talks among difference nations in order to bring about peace and understanding (Oxford Business Group 93). King Abdullah is not a despot King like many would like to believe. Since he came to the throne, Saudi Arabia has developed into one of the most vibrant democracies in the Arab world

Monday, August 26, 2019

Economics Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Economics Assignment - Essay Example In the final stage, the paper would explain several further businesses and operational strategies that the company can adopt in future. With the help of these theories, the company would be able to improve its business in future. The learnt from the essay would help to understand the importance of economics in the current state of business affairs. Contents Contents 3 1. Introduction 4 1.1 Report Brief 4 1.2 Company Background 4 2. Literature Review 5 2.1 Demand Theory 5 2.2 Market Structure Theory 6 2.2.1 Differentiation and Revenue Maximizing Theory 7 2.3 Long Run Theory 7 3. Case Study 8 3.1 P&G and Theory of Demand 8 3.2 P&G and Market Structure Theory 10 3.3. P&G and Long Run Theory 12 4. Conclusion and Recommendations 13 Reference List 15 1. Introduction 1.1 Report Brief This essay will analyze the business of the famous American consumer goods company named Procter & Gamble (P&G). The researcher would analyze the business performance of the company on the basis of economic the ories by scrutinizing the company’s annual report. In the later stage, the researcher would explain the business and operations strategies undertaken by the company through the analysis of its corporate activities. 1.2 Company Background P&G, the famous consumer goods company in America has its headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States. The products which are produced and sold by the company are primarily categorized in terms of three segments. These are cleanup agents, pet foods and individual care products. The company enjoys a high brand value in the market, with annual sales of about $83.68 billion (2012). The organization also enjoys a wide social presence in the market. It operates in almost all the countries in the world and as recorded in 2012, its operating income was $13.29 billion (P&G, 2012). The following context of the paper would explain the performance of the company by analyzing its annual report on the basis of economic theories. 2. Literature Review 2 .1 Demand Theory Demand for a commodity or a service in the market is the want of an individual backed by proper purchasing power. If a demand is created by a single household in an economy, then it becomes an individual demand. The horizontal integration of all the demand curves is termed as the market demand curve. According to the law or Theory of demand, considering the other factors affecting demand to be constant (Ceteris Paribus), the quantity demanded for a product is inversely related to its prices and vice versa (Mullerat, 2011). Thus, a market demand curve is always negatively sloped in nature with the assumption of Ceteris Paribus. Figure 1 Demand Curve Price Demand Curve (Market or Individual) Quantity (Source: Authors Creation) A shift in the demand occurs when other factors affecting demand, apart from price, changes. These other factors include tastes and preferences of the consumers, price of substitutes and price of complements along with income of the consumers. F igure 2 Shifts in Demand Curve Price Initial Demand Curve New Demand Curve Quantity Demanded (Source: Authors Creation) The above diagram shows a shift in the demand due to changes in any of the demand determinants. 2.2 Market Structure Theory The market structure theory explains the exact type of market in which organizations can operate. The market structural differentiation is mainly categorized on the basis of the strength of the seller and buyer in a

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Interpreting the Bible Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Interpreting the Bible - Assignment Example excluded; chapters and verses were incorporated later in the medieval age; the present Revised Standard Version is the end result of several translations; translations are influenced by cultural differences, and changing languages and cultural values. There are no universally accepted, impeccable authorities to the interpretation of the Bible. Because of the factors listed above, and mainly because it is not an original source, the Bible cannot be taken at face value. As all versions of the Bible are translations, or revisions of earlier translations, total objectivity, and accuracy of the information presented, cannot be taken for granted. Each individual must make a decision, based on personal faith, and intellectual dictates, on what guides to adopt towards the interpretation. Interpretation of the Bible is unavoidable, and is largely based on personal choice. This choice can be an informed choice, taking into consideration all the implications of translation. There can be no absolutely dependable authorities in Biblical

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Review of Iraq for Sale Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Review of Iraq for Sale - Essay Example After that the plot revolves around how the poorly supervised private interrogators and untrained translators were severely engaged in the prisoner abuse case in Abu Ghraib. The film focuses on the cost of the loss of the traditional military jobs. From any kind of reconstruction jobs to troop and support, from police training to surveillance-everything was controlled by private contractors. Even the film also focuses that a highest part of the government allows such contractors to get the reward with sole-source contract without facing any competition in bidding. The stock of the companies only double and redouble as a result truckers were sent to the battle zone without military escorts. Just to make cost cutting they put untrained people to interrogate at Abu Ghraib. The focus of the film is how such private contractors over bill US government while provided substantial work. They also endanger lives of American soldiers and private citizen altogether. The film also reveals ex-mil itary and ex-government officials to help such contractors in a very unethical manner. The dark background of the reconstruction process of Iraq is shown through the lives of soldier, truck drivers, widows and children.

Fair Values in the Preparation of Financial Statements Essay

Fair Values in the Preparation of Financial Statements - Essay Example Relevant Information Information needs to be relevant to the needs of users in order to serve its purpose. However, there are also other fundamental qualities that financial statements need to have. These qualities include comparability, faithful representation, consistency, completeness, understandability, and reliability (BPP 2009a). Information is useless if it is not reliable and in a number of cases, the values described as fair values in the accounts do not provide a reliable estimate of the value of assets and liabilities. According to Bath (n.d.) concerns also focus on this matter. It should also be noted the more reliable the information is the less relevant it will be. Relevant information has predictive value, feedback value, and timeliness. Reliable information is verifiable Comparability of financial statements Financial statements need to be comparable from one year to the next and between one company and another. However, even though fair values may be said to be curre nt and therefore more comparable, the fact that judgment needs to be exercised brings subjectivity into play. In addition to that, those judgments on which investors and other stakeholders depend have their own agenda. In some cases, they may exercise their judgment in such a way as to manipulate the accounts. This, therefore, brings us back to the reliability of the figures in the financial statements. ... Â  the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) requires that the classification of financial instruments be recorded at fair value in a hierarchy consisting of three (3) levels. The first level (level 1) relates to quoted prices that have not been adjusted for identical assets and liabilities in active markets. The second level (level 2) relates to input prices but excludes quoted prices which are included in the first level and which can be observed directly for assets and liabilities, in the form of prices or in the form of derived prices indirectly. The third level relates to both assets and liabilities that are not based on market data that can be observed. IASB concluded that this would result in improvement for comparability purposes as well as assist in the convergence process of the IFRSs to the United States generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The basis that was given for that conclusion relates to the disclosures required by IFRS 7 and ASC having no differences in terms of their application. Khalik (2008) in his paper entitled ‘The case against fair value accounting’ indicated that its critics have suggested that in times of poor economic conditions fair value (FV) accounting leads to the generation of pessimistic assumptions that further result in significant reductions in asset values as well as major reductions in earnings because of the fact that unrealised losses are taken into account in the income statement.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Hispanic American Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Hispanic American Diversity - Essay Example This essay stresses that usually, Cuban Americans have higher living standards than other ethnic minorities because of tight socio-economic support and family relations. Cuban Miamian community significantly affects socio-cultural and political background of the region; for example, it reflects on holidays celebration, carnivals, numerous soccer fields, menu in local cafes and restaurants. It impacts their relations with other Hispanic minorities, because â€Å"Cuban Miamians are slowly adjusting to sharing their influence with the growing diversity of Hispanics.† Life within community implies multigenerational families, respect of the elderly and steady family values. Dominican American females have more freedom in independent living, earning money and making career than the other Latinas. This paper makes a conclusion that younger generation prefers lifestyle and family model of White Americans. Approximately 30 – 35% of Puerto Ricans graduated from colleges and universities; this ethnic group has the highest percentage of skilled labor force in the USA. Puerto Rican American students are participated into ESL programs, but many of them know English perfectly. Large national communities promote socio-cultural support in the form of linguistic courses, professional advanced training etc.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Vocabulary Parent Letter Essay Example for Free

Vocabulary Parent Letter Essay Vocabulary words and knowledge are critical in reading comprehension and vitally important that new and young readers develop a large ‘word bank’ and effective vocabulary learning strategies. That being said, we will have an emphasis on vocabulary words in our classroom this year. There are several effective vocabulary learning strategies that we will be using in the classroom, I encourage you to employ these strategies at home assisting in the reading comprehension and vocabulary development of your young reader. Effective Vocabulary Learning Strategies: †¢Pre-teaching Vocabulary Word – teaching your child unfamiliar words prior to the reading experience. An adult should preview the reading material determine unfamiliar words then define and discuss the words. This provides understanding of the word for the child as well as establishing connotation. It also gives the adult feedback on how well the child understands the word. †¢Repeated Exposure to Words – The more we are exposed to a word, the stronger our understanding become. A child needs to hear and use a word several times before it becomes part of their vocabulary. Provide multiple opportunities for the child to use a new word in written and spoken form. †¢Keyword Method – Like pre-teaching, the keyword method rather than having a child remember the definition, it encourages the adult to give a ‘word clue’ to help them understand the word. The idea behind the keyword method is to create an easy cognitive link to the word’s meaning that the reader can access efficiently during a reading experience. †¢Root Analysis – Many English words are derived from Latin or Greek roots. They contain a ‘core’ root or use prefixes or suffixes. Adults, when working with the student should focus on the commonly occurring roots, prefixes and suffixes. When a reader is able to break down unfamiliar words into their prefixes, suffixes and roots they can begin to determine their meanings. †¢Restructuring Reading Material – This strategy is particularly effective for struggling readers improving their vocabulary. Sometimes grade level materials contain too many unfamiliar words. Adults can restructure the material. Portions of the difficult words can be replaced with ‘easier’ synonyms to help the reader understand the overall text. Also, particularly challenging words can easily be ‘looked up’ while reading the text. Taking a few minutes to read with your child, using these strategies will truly aid their vocabulary development and reading comprehension for years to come. Let’s work together as a team to ensure that your child becomes an independent, lifelong learner.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Marketing Analysis of Netflix

Marketing Analysis of Netflix Netflix is an online company with corporate headquarters in Los Gatos, California. Netflix was founded by Hastings who is also the CEO of the company. Netflixs key business is online rental services in the software industry. Netflixs software business services span various software products and services. Among these are DVD movies and several other software products. Despite disappointing results on its performance at the beginning, the innovative entrepreneur continued to tailor the company while identifying and exploiting new opportunities that presented themselves. That was when the company designed and developed a website that saw it host millions of subscribers making it rake in huge profits. That was in 2006. Netflix was founded at a time when the video industry was largely populated by small retail outlets which were characterized by long product delivery time. The market was dominated by the then giant Blockbuster Inc. Blockbuster had no real marketing strategy and customer royalty was based on impulsive buying. It enjoyed booming sales with almost 100 percent success when Netflix joined the market. Upon its entry into the market in 1997, Netflix realized that the market that was dominated by the brick and motor marketing methods. The launch of this company was at the time of the beginning of internet retailing. Online selling was gaining an upper hand to brick and motor methods. This compelled Netflixs to launch its own website in 1998 that specialized in the use of cross platform technologies in service delivery. At this time, different pricing models were tested to increase sales volume. Netflix was also adept at countering new entrants and developments in the market. One of this was the development of a video provision services on line. Porters Generic Strategy According to Porter (1974), successful business organizations incorporate one or more of the generic strategy options to propel it to success. Among these strategies are cost leadership, focus, and group differentiation. A critical analysis and evaluation of the cases study reveals that Netflix had to various extents incorporated these strategies in its business pursuits with each generic strategy contributing to the success or failure of the company in its pursuits. Netflix emphasized on the focus strategy with the other strategies playing a minor role in the firms pursuits. The differentiation strategy is where a company concentrates its efforts in developing a single product then invests in identifying and incorporating unique attributes that meet customer needs (Porter, 1974). Porter (1975) asserts that by adding value to a product and creating uniqueness in product to attract customers, customers are likely to purchase the product at a higher price. That was the case with Netflix. Netflix original move into the market targeted the renting of videos in the movie industry. That strategy could be achieved by the use of recently developed and upcoming internet marketing technology which other companies had not incorporated in their business pursuits. The case study reveals that Netflixs newly launched website integrated a search engine that enabled each customer to search and access products of ones choice. Netflixs management showed such talent and ingenuity in marketing their products by employing already available and established supply chain infrastr ucture and technology. One of the infrastructure tools included the USs postal services. The firm incurred slight expenses in delivering the DVDs to the customers as they were light in weight. In creating value and uniqueness to its products using the group differentiation strategy, Netflix endeavored to characterize its products with value, user friendliness and convenience, and unique selections. That was evident when Hastings coined a term for their customers that Amazon used to refer to its customers, eBay. According to Porter (1975), a company that invests in this approach should be led by a well skilled and dedicated team. That was the case with Netflix. Netflixs management was led by Hastings, an entrepreneur at heart. In addition to that, Porter affirms that a company organized around pursuing excellence and aiming at gaining a greater advantage in the market should have a good reputation should revolve around high product quality and innovation. The case with Netflix is outstanding here. Netflix did not only focus on DVD sales, they had other serious considerations in product innovation. Among these were a focus on video-on-demand and alternatives to VOD. Porter (1974) argues that a company may not necessarily integrate all the generic characteristics depending on the nature of its business. An analysis of the case study indicates that Netflix did not pay much attention to cost leadership. Some of the pricing models did not work for Netflix. One such model involved a situation where the firm spent several thousands of dollars in adverts only to gain a paltry income from such an endeavor. Netflix at times charged high rental fees for their online videos which at times drove its customers away. However, technology seems to have paced Netflix at an upper hand compared to other companies involved I the same business pursuits. However to a large extent, Netflix incorporated the generic aspect of focus strategy. The focus strategy is where a firm concentrates on one firm and later on attempts to manipulate product prices to achieve an advantage over competitors (Porter, 1975). Netflix did not succeed with this strategy to a desirable extent but seems to have lost some customers due to that. Porters Five Forces Netflix entered a market that Porter (1974) affirms is driven by five forces. These include the bargaining power of customers, threat of new entrants, bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitute products, and rivalry among competing firms. At Netflix, the bargaining buyer of customers was realized when despite intensive marketing activities, the firm earned paltry sums far below their target. Instead of earning the company more customers, thus increasing the revenue, the company was facing a loss. Customers had driven sense into the companys executives that they could determine a companys profitability and the model they use in pricing their products. This pricing element was evident when some customers felt dissatisfied by the pricing system compelling Netflix to rethink and introduce a new pricing mechanism. Netflix could counter new entrants by its relentless pursuits to adopt new technologies and integrate them to the service sit was offering. That was the case when it entered the field of video-on-demand. Despite the huge investments it had made, Netflix did not realize quick returns as there were no technologies in the form of hardware platforms to support such services. Netflix is noted to have lost a chunk of revenue in advertising these service customers were not willing to pay for. The case study however reveals that later innovations saw Netflix succeed in this field. One other case was the entry of VOD services and the fierce completion Netflix had to fight off before they could get a foothold in this widely dominated market by Netflix. Netflix swung into action by exploiting new technology platforms that were not characterized by her competitors in gaining a firm foothold. Another force experience in this industry was the bargaining power of buyers. As discussed above, Netflix had to succumb to buyers buying behavior as in some instances; new innovations could not be priced as per Netflixs dreams. That was the case with investments and intense marketing campaigns conducted by Netflix for the newly launched services, VOD. Porter (1975) asserts that companies can endeavor to enter a market by offering substitute products that may serve the needs of current products offered in the market. The case with Netflix is a striking one. The case study reveals that substitute products were too below bar in competing with those offered by Netflix and the company was now enjoying an undisrupted share of the market. Netflix carefully blended these generic forces to its advantage. Rivalry among competing firms saw Netflix to be a runaway case. Arguments demonstrate how competitors went to the extent of accusing Netflix of infringing upon copy right laws in offering these videos online. This line of attack was shaken off by Netflixs executives who argued that Netflix was offering these services just like any retail outlet could buy and sell a product, except Netflix was using the new internet technology that these other firms had not put to full use. Value Chain Netflixs management was keen at exploiting information technology in incorporating value chain activities in its service. A striking example was when the companys turnaround time for product deliveries was drastically enhanced by the use of appropriate technology. Each customer who opted to stay or leave the company could be requested to leave an answered questionnaire about their decisions. These could be used to identify the weaknesses inherent in the system and determine new methods of fulfilling customer needs and wants. One such revelation was identified with the companys ever changing rental fees. Other value chain addition activities spanned the infrastructure the company was using and its implementation of new technologies to enhance value for its customers. Netflixs system product acquisition was also automated, with automated searches using an integrated search engine. Implementation of Information Technology in Netflix To stay afloat in the already large market and maintain the customer base, Netflix will have to implement an IT infrastructure that could offer reliable support for its business transactions (Smith, Short, 2001). One of these could be a data mining application. The data mining application could be integrated in the organizations information system to assists in decision making. Netflix is a highly customer focused organization. Data mining could help enhance communication, help the company compare its prices with other companies evaluate customer satisfaction, evaluate supplier relationships, enhance staff skills, and provide an overview of company progress and performance. On the other hand decision support system could be incorporated into the company to help improve decision making from the companys data warehouse, provide real time sales compressions, and model decision making context (Shermis, Stemmer, Berger, Anderson, 1991). The outputs from this system could significantly depend on the inputs from the companys data warehouse and the decisions made could reflect the actual potion of the company. In addition to that, a customer relationships management should be incorporated as it helps the management to sustain its old and new customers, meet customer needs, and establish a good working relationship with other companies and customers. According to Silverman (1993), a supply chain management system if well incorporated into this company could help create competitive advantage for the firm by enabling it to optimize all factors relevant to customer satisfaction and company benefits. This system could help the company identify key factors central to its success and enable management optimize all aspects of controls in its marketing strategies and supply and acquisition logistics (Smith, Short, 2001). Recommendations Based on the above discussion, Netflix should continuously adapt to changing technological dynamism and new market opportunities in reaching various markets. Netflixs management should hire experts on cross culture management to ensure a cross culture component is incorporated in its pursuits. This could be the case since newer opportunities lie outside Netflixs current market that is characterized by a fairly uniform culture. In addition to that, the firm should incorporate user friendly software products that are cross platform and compatible with other software products to enhance usability. To maintain a large market share, the company should always incorporate faire business practices in its pursuits. In addition to that, Netflix should endeavor to develop software that can bar piracies on its products in addition to patenting its products. The company should invest in software technologies that bar any could be illegal downloading of files or unauthorized access or copying of i ts products. That could bar illegal usage of its video products since it denies the company legitimate profits that could accrue from those sales. The company should continuously evaluate the role played by information technology in propelling it to its position, the ever changing trends in the industry I terms of provision of services and other related services. It should continuously revise its plans to make them current and relevant to the identified changes and endeavor to incorporate new technologies in its pursuits.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Argument Of A King By Martin Luther Religion Essay

The Argument Of A King By Martin Luther Religion Essay While Martin Luther King Jr.s audience, the white clergymen, accused him of his protests being unwise, untimely, and extreme, he effectively constructs an acceptable Christian definition of just and unjust laws, as well as what nonviolent direct action should entail by the use of an assortment of rhetorical techniques. In his inspirational literary piece, Letter from Birmingham Jail, Dr. King addresses not only the 8 white Alabama clergymen, but also a larger array of citizens, explaining his views on the evils of segregation. He was aware of the clergymens lack of interest in how civil rights activists were breaking laws instead of handling the matter in a lawful, controlled manner. This led him to devising a more brilliant strategy for his rebuttal rather than an aggressive confrontation. He also knew that his words would be ignored, because all white clergymen and most religious non-supporters saw him as an inferior human being. Too often, arguments fail to bring about any type of understanding to the opposing side because each group has an assortment of important ideas that circle the basis of an argument from two different ends of the spectrum but very rarely tie together. Dr. King, therefore, realized that he must relinquish the role of an anti-segregationist and instead write in such a manne r that would portray him as a righteous man with similar views and characteristics with that of his target audience, which, in this case, were the clergymen and other white members. He employs Aristotles three means of persuasion, ethos, pathos, and logos, to accomplish this task. Discussing whether or not a law should be followed on the grounds of its virtue requires the individual to be one whom is worthy of explaining such matters. Rather than coming out directly and arguing that the clergymen were wrong, which would illustrate King in the same likes as other anti-segregationists, he takes a much more sensible approach to his opponents to show his readiness of discussing these matters in good nature and maturity. Dr. Kings effective use of rhetorical technique begins with the opening line. He states, My Dear Fellow Clergymen (King 213). This form of salutation completes two objectives. Firstly, it addresses the men who he disagrees with in a warm, welcoming fashion. The use of the word Fellow also creates a bond between King and his addressees, instead of separating them and making his letter seem quite offensive. The two aforementioned methods of using an affable type of welcoming set Kings letter up to be a logical discussion, rather than a customary disp ute in opposition to the clergymens views. King employs this method further into his letter when he identifies the men as men of genuine good will (King 214). King states that he understands their viewpoint on the subject at hand and acknowledges them as men with good intentions before he explains why he disagrees. If King instead accused these white clergymen, who happen to be heavily influenced by religion, of any act of sinfulness, he could have potentially lost their interest and respect exceptionally early in his letter. Another remarkable strategy used in Kings letter, also found in his opening excerpt, is the following: While confined here in Birmingham city jailà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (King 213). Rather than being interpreted as a meaningless introduction, it illustrates the readers interpretations of a cold, isolated, and unfeeling jail cell. Constructing this idea early into the minds of his addressees reminds them throughout the entire letter of where King is expressing these dee p, emotional feelings from, while they correspond from a significantly relaxed atmosphere. Having the foundation of his argument set in place, King begins to explain the hardship of African Americans in the South, and how despite their repeated efforts, they continuously fail to achieve recognized civil rights. He discusses the unjust laws keeping African Americans from the rights that they long to attain. Further into the letter, King introduces the reader to his assertion that unjust laws should not be obeyed faithfully; he explains, Too long has our beloved Southland been bogged down in a tragic effort to live in monologue rather than dialogue (King 216). Using the phrase Southern lands, rather than explaining that it is the African American community experiencing these troubles, effectively directs the reader into realizing that the hardships are not only felt by a small group of people, but rather the entire South. The aforesaid passage builds a strong logical appeal: if, in a specific populace, a persons opinions are heard and acknowledged, then the possibility opens up of the laws in that region being unjust and in need of alteration. King is delicately persuading his addressees to concur with his impending arguments toward, what were at the time, the current segregation laws. Doing so will successfully rid the reader of any disagreement barrier when he writes You express a great deal of anxiety over our willingness to break laws. This is certainly a legitimate concern (King 218). Dr. King strives to display a mellow comprehension on a matter in which he lived to fight for, while simultaneously sympathizing with the sentiment of his opposition. The logical and emotional appeal displayed in Kings thoughtfully planned out reasoning attracts the reader further into wanting to consider the remains of his argument. A major occurrence in Kings letter that signifies his use of logical persuasion is seen with his quote from St. Augustine, an early bishop of the Christian Church who deeply influenced the spirit of Christianity for many centuries, where he explains, an unjust law is no law at all (King 218). Before delving into the subject of just and unjust laws, however, King mentions that he strongly agrees with obeying just laws. Doing so creates another ethical bond with his addressees, which happen to be the men in charge of protecting laws, showing them that he also happens to be an individual with good intentions. This quote also draws a connection between King and St. Augustine, almost explaining that if the Saint were still alive, he would support Kings endeavors. This is an important passage to note due to the fact that Ki ngs addressees were strongly influenced by religion at the time, therefore, making connections through religious correspondence was a legitimate form of communicating his ideas. The use of several occurrences when Christians broke unjust laws and resisted unreasonable rules because of their belief in God attempts to make a connection between Kings actions and those of early Christians. This effectively portrays Kings ethical characteristics to his audience; placing him above the standards of what many white readers would see him as. Bringing religion into his argument forces the clergymen to re-evaluate their statement about the impropriety of disobeying segregation laws because it would be out of the question for them to argue against Kings biblical correlations. Although there appear to be a large display of literary techniques used by Dr. Martin Luther King to gain respect and approval from his addressees, one may argue against many of Kings ideals. One of which would be his main argument; the use of nonviolent direct action. The concern of the efficacy of nonviolent direct action arises, and ideas begin to develop on whether or not violence is actually needed in order to communicate ones viewpoint. As with anything else in the world, no action is guaranteed to work every time. Although nonviolence does have its drawbacks, as seen in Burma and China, it has a relatively strong effectiveness. There have been dramatic improvements in civil and political rights over the past two decades, and nonviolent action has played a crucial role in this transition, including the downfall of dictatorships in Eastern Europe, Latin America, Africa, and Asia. Nonviolent struggles in recent decades have not only led to significant political and social reforms advancing the cause of human rights, but have also even toppled repressive regimes from power and forced leaders to change the very nature of their governance. As a result, nonviolent resistance has been evolving from an informal strategy associated with religious or ethical principles into an insightful, even institutionalized, method of resistance. One may also argue against Kings religious references, stating that these analogies wouldnt apply to those persons who were not as heavily involved with religious, or, happened to be a part of a group aside from Christians. In such case, King emotionally appeals to every true American when he finishes his letter off discussing World War II. He reminds the reader that everything Hitler did was considered lawful at the time, and that aiding the Jewish civilians in German-controlled regions was deemed unlawful. This example from King is one that touches the hearts of many, since at the time WWII had recently ended yet still rested in the thoughts of every American. Drawing such a comparison was an extremely effective, however delicate, way for King to emotionally persuade, and show that, religious or not, the act of killing another human being can never be established as lawful. King was quite aware of the white clergymens use of several caustic messages of altercation underlying the very sophisticated words that were used to compile their public statement that inspired him to write this letter. He therefore took it upon himself to strike back with a similarly professional tone, addressing both what the clergymen claimed and the implications they overlooked in their views. His ability to compose a logical, even-tempered, argument, with such anger and frustration hidden deep in his heart, truly gains him the respect of the reader. With this acquired respect, he therefore is able to justifiably express his views on just and unjust laws. His addressees, who have already been swayed both expressively and plausibly, are pushed even further into creating a whole-hearted bond with a man who many considered an inferior human being. It is by this extraordinary display of writing and technique that King is able to communicate his viewpoints in a way that is both ratio nal and nonviolent.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

The Strategies of Victims Faulkner’s short story â€Å"Barn Burning,† captures the intensity and dynamics of a father and son relationship. The story is set in the Old South, where the dry farming grounds of the plantations are the only places that promise hardworking men a means to support their families. Though Faulkner presents these two man characters as vastly different, the father, Abner, and the son, Sarty, share a striking similarity. They both see themselves as victims and display the traits of a victim’s status. The father is a victim of social injustice and poverty. The son, on the other hand, is a victim of child abuse at the hand of his controlling and impulsive father. Faulkner sets the tone of the story by displaying the strategies of the victims and the complexity of their abuse through the narrator’s voice. In "Barn Burning," Faulkner portrays a boy, very nearly moral awareness, who ends up cut off from the modern world of which he is beginning to understand. The boy, Sarty begins to feel his alienation take root in connection with his father, who ought to be his moral compass and lead Sarty into this new modern society. On account of his father's criminal impulsiveness and a knack for starting fires, Sarty ends up, in the beginning of the story victimized and insulted by a kid, who he attacks back. His father has taught him to see others as the "enemy" (X.J. Kennedy). When Sarty’s father is charged with arson by Mr. Harris, he consequently labels him as "our enemy . . . hisn and ourn† (X.J. Kennedy pg. 147). The story closes with Sarty alone on at night on a hill viewing the stars. Faulkner depicts the Sarty’s loneliness, learned through his years of abuse and neglect. Yet on this hill, he has a moment of clarity and... ...nd a source and cause for his family’s poverty, and unhappiness. Abner is in denial that his circumstances are mostly a direct result of his decisions. Instead, he hates society and the educated man. Therefore, Abner directs his anger towards them, fighting to regain his pride and idea of justice. Through the support of the narrator’s tone, these two diversely different characters are brought together because they go through the same strategies and expressions of pain, unhappiness, injustice and abuse. Faulkner’s brilliant writing style and tone through the voice of the narrator creates a dynamic story that discusses several critical points, such as the struggles of victims and their strategies. Through two characters the author was able to describe the different reactions of victims, as well as, allow the audience to form and label the antagonist and protagonist.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Letter to My Family :: Disease Outbreak Health Essays

Letter to My Family To My Family, Where do I begin? I don't know how many Shelly's piano concerts I missed for this stupid job. Shelly, if you're reading this, I am really sorry. I wish I could make amends but there simply isn't enough time. Jacob, I am sorry I have to leave you even before I would see your first steps. Diana, my sweetheart, loving wife of 10 years, I owe you the most. All those nights that I stumbled home drunk. All those times that I hit you. I am sorry. I am a monster. I guess I do deserve to die like this. Last month I didn't even know where the hell Zaire was. All I knew was that it was some poor backwards nation in Africa that we sold water filters to. Funny how things turn out, I am going to die in this god forsaken place. Twenty people in this village have died. The rest that haven't probably wish they were. David is already dead. Honey, you remember David right? That junior assistant in our department I told you about? I never liked him. He died first too. Serves that prick right. He wanted to tag along on this trip hoping to attain "valuable sales experience." Always kissing up to the boss, that's David. He started complaining about soreness and a headache. Then the day before he died, he vomited all over my briefcase after lunch. We thought he was just complaining as usual four nights ago, but in the morning we found him in his hut dead. I will never forget that sight. His eyes and mouth were both wide open and trails of dried blood ran from them. At first, we th ought one of the villagers poisoned us or something. But then, one of the villagers started screaming as loud as he could. He stumbled and ran in the woods afterwards. We never saw him again. I knew this was bad news already. But it only got worse. The UN folks showed up wearing suits that looked like they were taken straight out of a movie or something. They were all covered up and some of them even had oxygen masks. They prodded David like a dead cow and even stuck a few needles into him.

Handmaids Tale Essay -- essays research papers

Does the women of Gilead know that they are being controlled?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Are the women of Gilead aware that they are being controlled by the society? In Margaret Atwood ¡Ã‚ ¯s The Handmaid ¡Ã‚ ¯s Tale, the theme of control is a very important factor of the book. In the story, at the Republic of Gilead, the women are being controlled by the society to do what the society wants them to do. The handmaids are brainwashed before they start working for the society. But since the brainwashing happens so naturally over a period of time, the handmaids don ¡Ã‚ ¯t fully realize that they have been brainwashed by the society to do what the society wants them to do.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The theme of control and being brainwashed could be found in many parts of books in many forms. For example, before the women became handmaids, they were at a institution where they get educated and influenced by the aunts on how they should live their lives. In the institution, the aunts treat the women like children.  ¡Ã‚ °But whose fault was it? Aunt Helena says, holding up on plump finger. ¡Ã‚ ±(93), aunts ask such questions, which leads the women to think the way the society wants them to think.  ¡Ã‚ °Her fault, her fault, her fault, we chant in unison. ¡Ã‚ ±(94), and the women repeats the answer out loud as a whole as if they were young kindergartners, and by doing so, they are being influenced and brainwashed. By treating them like children and making them repeat after what they say, they slowly ...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Avon Case Study

Avon Products, Inc. (Avon) is based in New York. The firm engages in the manufacture and marketing of beauty and complimentary products primarily in North America, Latin America, Europe, and Asia Pacific.Avon’s products are classified into three product categories: Beauty, Beauty Plus, and Beyond Beauty. The Beauty category consists of cosmetics, fragrances, skin care, and toiletries; Beauty Plus includes fashion jewelry, watches, apparel, and accessories; and Beyond Beauty comprises home products, gift and decorative products, candles, and toys.The company sells and markets its products through a combination of direct selling, marketing by independent Avon representatives, and via its consumer Web site, avon. com. Avon was one of the prominent direct sales companies in the beauty products industry.Started in the late 1800s by David McConnell, the company sold a wide variety of beauty-related products to homemakers through its direct sales agents. However, by the 1980s, the co mpany had lost its luster and performance began to falter. A failed diversification strategy made it the target of several takeover attempts.Turnaround efforts were initiated in the 1990s under then CEO James Preston and continued by his successor Charles Perrin, however, they failed to make a significant impact. Performance began to improve only after Andrea Jung became the CEO of the company in 1999. Andrea Jung became president and CEO of Avon in 1999 and has totally revamped the company. Under her leadership, the company has updated its product line, launched new advertising, and created a new image. Avon’s sales have increased by 30 %, profits 40%, and the stock price has dramatically improved.Jung’s has been able to align the firm’s core capabilities with its strategic targets which has lead to phenomenal results. It appears that Jung has been able to establish a clear vision for the firm that has been incorporated in every aspect of the firm’s oper ating system.This vision is shared by all employees and representatives of Avon priming the company for continued success. Other strategies of Jung include cost cutting by reducing number of raw material suppliers, shifting production from smaller plants to larger ones, moving manufacturing from high cost nations like Great Britain to lower cost countries such as Poland.As mentioned in the Avon case study, the e-representative initiative also has helped Avon cut costs. The direct sellers are asked to fill in the order online. Avon’s brand has definitely resonated for women through the years.During the 1980s, the company began to diversify by investing in retirement properties and healthcare products, and launching catalogs for men and children. During the initial stages of this strategy, Avon started to remove itself from its core market of selling to women. The results were downward revenue trends and slow growth throughout the 1990's which resulted in several takeover bids. Unfortunately, Sears Roebuck and JC Penny do not really resonate well with being a carrier of women’s beauty supplies. The name â€Å"Sears† have been associated with appliance and not beauty products. The move of aligning with this companies and trying to sell higher end beauty products will only push Avon in the opposite direction that it should be heading, which is to move back towards tailoring to women domestically and globally. Over the years, Avon has experienced several problems leveraging its brand in many of its product lines.As a result, positive net sales and earnings growth for the past five years have been in single digits and steadily declining year after year. Specific problem areas are stagnated sales, slow earnings growth, limited distribution capabilities and shift in personal care preferences and spending habits.Andrea Jung’s proposal to expand into certain retail markets will only perpetuate Avon’s trend of declining net sales. The pr oposed plan will indeed create an additional distribution outlet and cater to this market segment. However, the question to examine is at what expense or cost will Avon endure making this decision?Avon has faced tremendous pitfalls marketing its product lines to effectively increase brand loyalty and recognition. Examples of this include the hair care product line. Avon did not effectively develop products for ethnic hair types. Additionally, Avon did not have a hair coloring product line. As a result, Avon suffered in building brand awareness and loyalty with the younger generation as well as the older generation that also demanded this product. Avon has lost loyalty and brand recognition as a result of its decision to diversify into different industries and different product lines.This has resulted in a loss of market share drastically affecting annual profit margins. To examine the previous question of what cost will Avon endure deciding to move into the retail markets? It is cle ar and evident; the cost will be a further extension of the existing internal problems that Avon faces. Deciding to move into the retail market to create a store inside a store is not in Avon’s best interest. This move would be a further expansion of Avon’s previous decisions to diversify into markets that do not have synergy and thus will hurt the overall branding of the company.Finally, implementing Andrea Jung’s proposal to enter the retail market would be detrimental to the already fragile state of Avon’s brand awareness, recognition and loyalty. Another factor for the underperformance of Avon in the late 1990s is its failure to develop the online business. For the fear of alienating its labor force, Avon downplayed the importance of developing the e-business. A company cannot ignore the environment and expect to be successful in the long run.Due to its internal struggle with the internet strategy, Avon fell behind other less established companies in taking advantage of the explosive growth of the internet Avon’s approach should build on original direction and implementations however expanding as necessary to fit current trends and environmental assessments.The focus should be on existing internal structures to build, create and advance current product lines. Avon’s focus should also exist in the field of technology to increase online selling opportunities, update internet technology and to re-brand themselves to be a leader of online sells.To accomplish this, strategy should focus on expanding kiosks globally and domestically. The expansion will leverage Avon by appealing to the market segment requesting additional distribution channels. This strategy will allow for trained beauty consultants to offer advice, education and samples thus increasing brand awareness and loyalty.Kiosks will have minimal start up cost and lower overheads. Focusing on product lines and catering to the needs and wants of each demographic group will prevent the previous pitfalls of lack of integration and decreased brand awareness and loyalty.Keeping Avon’s product offering separate and distinct will help existing challenges of branding. Focusing on technology improvements and online sales, Avon will have an opportunity to emerge as a leader in this area, thus adding additional channels of distribution and appealing to the overwhelming need.Under Andrea Jung’s leadership, Avon has faced a number of challenges. Some of these challenges were addressed successfully and others were not. In the early part of 2000, the management team had the daunting task of choosing an appropriate strategy for the immediate and long-term future for the company.One setback was a decrease in the firm’s growth rate to single digits and stagnated earnings. Avon’s CEO, Andrea Jung, was presented with a multitude of options that ranged from distributing through other departments stores, establishing kiosks, to overh auling the firm’s e-business. Jung was right in acknowledging that Avon’s core competency is direct selling and its major strength is its brand name. By refocusing on the core competency, improving efficiencies, and adapting to the environment with new initiatives, Avon could overcome the hurdles of the past and turn the company in the new direction.This case discussed the revival of Avon under Andrea Jung.1) What is your assessment of Andrea Jung’s performance as chief strategist at Avon Products? What has she done well? What overall grade would you give Andrea Jung for the job she has done as CEO? Answer:My assessment of Andrea Jung’s performance as chief strategists at Avon products is that she has done excellent job. Her first task was to hit the streets of her neighborhood, ringing doorbells, to better understand the desires of customers and needs of sales agents. She pushed for the addition of attractive new products to Avon and its sales representa tives.Andrea listened to the customers and grew global beauty category sales by new product development, sampling and more up-to-date advertising. The company was in serious trouble with annual sale growth of less than 1.5 percent and a crashing stock price during the general economic boon in history. Jung took the role of Avon lady to better understand what customers thought about company’s product and within field of direct sales model. . Avon’s grand strategy under the leadership of Andrea Jung has its merits and is the grand strategy is properly focused and directed.Andrea Jung has clearly directed the successful transformation of Avon Products Inc. by defining its vision as the company for women. With grand strategies in-place she is revitalizing Avon’s reputation as the world’s foremost direct seller of beauty products while leading the company into exciting new lines of businesses, launching a series of bold and image enhancing initiatives, and exp anding career opportunities for people around the world. The strategic plan in place has its merits and the grand strategy is properly focused and directed. Currently, Avon is the world’s leading direct seller of beauty and related products, with $7.7 billion in annual revenues.Avon markets to women around the world through 4. 9 million independent sales representatives. The evidence shows that Jung’s grand strategies were sound. The argument that the grand strategies were not optimal and needed to be refocused was weak due to the overall improvement of company performance and increase in shareholder wealth. Andrea Jung’s charismatic communication skills and management direction has catapulted Avon as a leader in the global beauty and cosmetic market. I would like to give Andrea Jung an â€Å"A† for the job as she has done her job well as CEO.She developed great strategy for Avon that helped to increase in sales. Andrea Jung outlined new vision and strate gic plan for Avon that call for highly innovative new products, build new line of business, critical link as internet in direct selling model and update its direct sales model to better fit 21st century. At age 40 Jung become CEO and in 2001, at age 42 she listed fourth on Fortune’s ranking of the 50 most powerful Women in American Business.2) What is Andre Jung’s strategic vision for Avon? Do you approve of the company’s new strategic direction? Why was it time for Avon to fundamentally change direction? Answer:Andrea Jung’s strategic vision for Avon was for them to be the company that understands and satisfies the product, service and self fulfillment needs for woman globally. I think their new strategic direction made sense. She knew products had to be made to fill the needs of different age group and races. It was time for Avon to become more modern and up-to-date. Jung’s view of new Avon was that of a company beyond selling cosmetics as truste d product which is needed by any women. She was in customer convenient strategy in beauty and financial services.She insisted that supporting women touches not only beauty, but health, fitness, self empowerment and most important financial independence. Yes, Avon’s new strategic direction would launch an entirely new line of business, the development of innovative products, new packaging, new channels to the distribution, a new approach to supply chain management, new sales models and new approaches to image building. When Andrea Jung became Avon’s new CEO in November 1999, the company’s annual sales growth had slowed to less than 1. 5 percent and its stock price had fallen from a high of $55 to a three year low $25.The strategies initiated by Charles Perrin had resulted in some improvement in 1998 with modest sales growth, but in late 1999 Avon was in need of bold direction. When Perrin resigned because of his lack in direct sales limitation, Andrea Jung need a fundamental change in direction. Jung understood the desires of customers and needs of sales agents. She heard the customer grips over product colors, mishandled orders, unattractive packaging, lack of innovative products and confusing promotions.Ultimately she discovered the structural obstacles to achieve in success. Policies for placing orders made difficult for sales agents to increase sales volume and commissions. When Andrea Jung stepped in as CEO of Avon, she brought with her many new, fresh ideas that helped make Avon what it is today. Her strategy didn’t agree with what consultants thought, but she willingly took risks to enforce what she believed to be the best strategy for Avon. We believe that her strategy was good, solid foundation that will continue to keep Avon at the top as America’s number one selling Cosmetic and Beauty Company.3) What is your assessment to the financial and strategic objectives Jung has set for Avon? Do they contain too much stretch ? Too little stretch? Answer:Several things happened once Andrea Jung was named CEO of Avon. First, she decided to reverse the current trend of losing sales. She did this by creating a strategy that would turn the company around. Jung’s suggested strategy to partner with Sears and JC Penney department stores was an idea that would help to promote the strategy she had come up with. It would introduce a new, upscale product line, thus increasing profits, sales and nationwide exposure to the baby boomer segment. Retail selling increased with in-store customer traffic and expected growth of spending power to 16 percent within five years.Face-to-face selling comprised 79.7 percent of direct selling, preferred among senior citizens. The marketing budget would be increased to target customer traffic at Sears and JC Penney. Investment costs were limited to $15 – 20 million to launch retail products, with a bulk of expenses being absorbed by the department store. Avon’s strengths would help increase global recognition of brand name and image. Jung suggested promoting certified Beauty Advisors in department stores and increased incentives for sales representatives.In addition, having department stores sell via the Internet would increase the channels of distribution, thus increasing consumer loyalty. Reduce inventory level while improving service to representatives which increase the forecasting accuracy and order fill rate in supply chain management. Strategy provides opportunity for sales representatives to increase their income and greater career opportunities through sales leadership. Develop E- commerce opportunity for Avon and sales representatives, improving operating margins 50-100 basis points though business process redesign.Another strategy is growing global beauty category sales through in new product development, advertising and sampling. All these factors would affect Avon’s long-term goals by forcing Jung to find new, creative ways to stay fresh in the market. Jung had created a strategic plan that met the vision of Avon; she had created goals that were measurable and geared toward future company growth. The goals seemed to be obtainable in the current business market. In addition, Jung’s idea that technology may be the answer was in response to a changing business environment which included movement toward e-business.This ideal would be synergistic and build upon their present success. It is too little stretch because the objectives were not set boldly and aggressively high. These goals were not impossible targets.4) What have been the key elements of Avon’s strategy been under previous CEOs? What new and different strategy elements have been initiated by Andrea Jung? How well does Andrea Jung’s new strategy seem to match features of the global cosmetics industry and Avon’s resource strength, competitive capabilities, and culture? Answer:Key elements to Avon’s strategy under previous CEO were set to sell directly to consumers via independent sales representatives working on commission. Avon catered to mostly upper middle income females and focused almost exclusively on US cosmetic market.Andrea Jung initiated expansion into markets outside US making Avon products available online, and began selling Avon products through retail channels. She also instituted a more upscale packaging to match the look of prestige cosmetic brands. She focused on a low cost/ low price strategy and focus to sale to low and middle income families.Andrea’s new strategy was likely to improve Avon’s financial performance and help build a competitive advantage. Her approach is sensible in light of what competitors are doing and the position they hold in the market place.Avon is highly backward integrated, self-manufacturing many of the items that they sell. This causes the competitive pressures of suppliers to be weak. Avon can get supplies from many parts of t he world because they have entered foreign markets and produce products in different countries. A lot of Avon’s supplies such as packaging, may be easily substituted if a supplier raised prices.Under Andrea Jung’s direction, Avon is focusing on developing nations especially China. Many developing countries are more receptive to direct selling by women since jobs with Avon are opportunities for women who want to be independent in the male dominated cultures. Avon has also recognized that the demographics has changed and recruiting younger women to sell to the younger customer base. Competitive pressures stemming from customer buying power is moderate because switching costs are low and customers have the ability to fulfill their needs by switching brands.Buyers tend to be well informed about Avon’s product prices and costs largely due to the Internet and this put customers at a position of higher bargaining power. Customers do not pose a threat of integrating bac kwards, because it would not be easy for women to develop their own make-up, perfume or skin care products. Due to the direct selling business model, there is an extremely large number of buyers. Another Avon objective that aims to alleviate pressures coming from competing sellers includes consists of reinventing their antiquated image.Realizing this, Jung endorsed the Williams sisters. Venus and Serena Williams were popular teen icons that portrayed the image where Jung hoped to achieve for Avon; young, powerful, and ambitious.5) How well has Avon’s new strategy been implemented so far? What are Avon’s strategy successes so far? What problems or missteps do you see? How important has Susan Kropf been to Avon’s implementation efforts? Was she a good choice as chief operating officer? Why or why not? Answer:Andrea Jung’s highly successful career would not be possible without effective and insightful management.†Throughout Jung’s ambitious expa nsion, her management style was to emphasize open communication, goal orientation, and feedback from her sales force. † Avon routinely brings in the top performing sales reps from across the globe to Avon’s headquarters in New York City in order to gather first hand feedback from the employees in the field. Ms. Jung herself even attempted to sale Avon’s products as a traditional Avon lady. An attempt she acknowledges was not one of her more successful endeavors. The attempt however, showed Ms. Jung’s commitment to understanding all aspect’s of the Avon business. A common theme in Ms.Jung’s leadership speeches encourage women empowerment and promote a belief that more women will continue to hold key executive roles. Under Ms. Jung’s leadership, Avon management supports flexible work schedules and encourages employees to create a healthy balance between work and family responsibilities.There are a number of missteps that Avon has taken u nder Andrea Jung’s leadership. They include partnering with companies that image does not adequately match Avon’s and the company’s problems with launching its online business segment. Recently, Avon announced plans to partner with Sears and JC Penney’s.One of the potential negative aspects for Avon partnering with JC Penny and Sears would be the possible lowering of brand name for Avon. The company ran the risk of possible further reduction of its brand name. † Since its inception Avon has worked very hard in tailoring its niche market towards women. Ms. Kropf’s most recent responsibilities included certain global staff functions. She retained responsibility for global marketing as well as the companywide Business Process Redesign efforts that have freed up nearly $400 million in the past three years for reinvestment in consumer brand building and other growth initiatives.Yes, Susan Kropf was a good choice as a chief operating officer of Avo n Products Inc. with full profit-and-loss responsibility for all of Avon’s worldwide operations, including global marketing and supply chain. Susan has played a critical role in Avon’s success by sharing her insights on Avon’s rich history and the company’s successful strategies for sustaining brand power for over a century. Susan Kropf reconfigured the value chain thereby cutting costs of non-value adding areas.6) Has Andrea Jung been effective in evaluating the company’s performances, monitoring new developments, and initiating corrective adjustments?Does Andrea Jung appear to have Personal traits well suited to refining and fine-tuning the company’s strategy and implementation efforts? Are her strengths better suited to instituting sweeping changes and quickly moving to a new project? Answer:Andrea Jung represents a great strength to Avon Products Inc. Regardless of gender, any CEO who can take a company with a 50 percent drop in share pr ice and raise company stock by 164 percent in five short years shows insightful leadership and effective management. In addition to the financial success, Ms. Jung has also played a vital role in Avon’s public relations arena.She shows an amazing ability to connect with a variety of shareholders and the public. Her ability to communicate with all levels of an internationally diverse Avon staff and public contribute to Avon’s ability to successfully implement strategic changes in direction.Yes, Andrea Jung’s vision of what she wanted to accomplish as CEO of Avon included a strategy to; improve brand image, introduce new products, increase use of the internet as a channel of distribution, provide greater incentives and opportunities for the sales force, reduce unnecessary costs in the value chain, and continue to expand into global markets.Product innovation was a large part of Jung’s strategy for Avon. In fact, in 1999 she challenged Avon’s R&D team to develop a new product within two years. In less than one year Avon introduced Anew Retroactive, an anti-aging skin cream. It achieved record sales for Avon and led to the development of other successful lines of business.In less than one year Avon introduced Anew Retroactive, an anti-aging skin cream. It achieved record sales for Avon and led to the development of other successful lines of business. For example, Avon Wellness products exceeded sales estimates by 300%.One problem that Avon faces is the strong competition within fields they are trying to expand into. Avon is marketing a nutritional product line called Wellness, which includes vitamins, supplements, bars, etc. This market is competitively strong. Being ahead of the industry in introducing new products combined with the company’s already strong market position could further improve Avon’s brand equity and therefore revenues. In particular, Avon should continue to integrate sales representative into all aspects of sales. This is Avon’s own key success factor and what sets them apart from their competitors.With the growing popularity of the internet as an outlet of commerce, Jung was compelled to implement internet sales into her strategy, realizing that the â€Å"Avon Lady† is the distinctive core competency for Avon in new projects.7) What additional actions would you recommend Andrea Jung take to help the company to achieve its long term strategic and financial objectives? Are any changes needed in the company’s vision? Its objectives? Its strategy? Its implementation efforts? What challenges might the new strategy present to Avon’s top management team? What risks do you see? Answer:Based on demographic data, China holds 20% of the world’s population. This represents a vast market of which Avon has only begun to cover. Avon should continue to focus on the expansion of retail outlet sales in China. Also, because the only sales in China are gener ated through retail outlets, Avon should further develop their Beauty Advisors training. Europe should also be a continued focus for Avon. Industry leader, L’Oreal’s attributes 50% of their total sales to the European market. Avon had a successful growth rate in Europe but only 23% of the total 2003 sales came from Europe.There is still room to expand in this market. Based on one of the industry’s key success factors, product innovation, Avon should focus even more resources on R&D especially in the areas of anti-aging products and teen products. Because 23 million teenagers have an average weekly disposable income of $85, Avon should continue with innovative teen marketing such as the current â€Å"mark† brand but also work on products for problem teen skin. Avon Products Inc under the leadership of CEO Andrea Jung is at a point where there are opportunities for growth for the organization. However Ms.Jung appears to be indisposed towards taking steps to take advantage of Avon’s position. Also her approach is flawed. Let’s take a look at her approach and then also look at viable alternatives. Andrea advocates: partnering with Sears and JC Penny department stores so as to create a store-within-a-store, Avon products.Based on this, the board of directors felt that Jung’s original options did not provide the same amount of increased sales and revenues, attraction to increased clientele base, motivation and acceptance by current sales representatives, or increase shareholder wealth as the consultant’s options did.The consultant’s options provided a means to Avon Products, Inc. to become a household name to those whom were not attracted by limited previous distribution channels, and Jung’s choices of re-invigorating the brand, instituting beauty advisory training, expanding multilevel sales programs or partnering with department stores. Kiosks were admittedly a risk. At $6,000 per kiosk and lack of information on kiosk performance, Andrea indicated these would be too expensive.Perhaps a trial run of a low number of kiosks in the environment would settle this question. In conclusion, the Avon CEO strategy did not impress as very well thought out and it was a good thing she went to the review board first. Avon should stick with their bread and butter – the sales representatives as it is the channel where they were recognized and where they became one of the largest beauty products in the world. The website should be a complement to the services that Avon offers. Recommendations:For promoting direct-sales through consumer and the business; one is to offer incentives to its customers and second is to motivate the business to promoting its products by advertisements, establishing sales competition for employees, participating in conventions, and by endorsing franchise of its products to retail stores.Promoting Avon’s products and high chance of increasing direct-s ales is to offer incentives to its consumers. Incentives provide a positive motivational influence to encourage and excite buyers to buy the products. Such incentives, appropriate for this situation, are coupons, rebates, product samples and awards.Coupons can be attached in mail, beauty magazines, newspapers, and advertisements on mail or on the internet company’s official website. Rebates can be offered also to attract more buyers to buy the products.Rebates can be advertised also on coupons through mail or the internet. Another successful way of attracting consumers is by offering samples of Avon’s cosmetic products, which can be done door-todoor or attached on an advertisement through mail. Finally, awards through prizes, contests or sweepstakes can offer consumers the chance to win something small or big like cash or free-trips.Also, prizes can be offering a free gift whenever a consumers purchase one of Avon’s products. This last incentive option attracts more attention from consumers than the three other options. Motivate the Avon business to reach its goals of promoting its products and gaining sales through advertisements, sales competition, participating in conventions and endorsing franchise. Advertising is the key to attracting consumers and the outcome is high sales. Such advertisement is done through media (television), mail, or the internet.The more awareness from the public of the company likely to attract more buyers and the outcome is high sales. The next option is to encourage Avon’s sales representatives with awards/prizes that reached their sales goals within a period of time.Another is participating in conventions and this is more likely to increase sales through direct contact with customers. Last is to endorse franchise of Avon’s products with small and big cosmetic-related retail stores, such as Macy, JC Penny, etc. This option can be most likely increase sales and in turn profit which is any companyà ¢â‚¬â„¢s ultimate aim.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Okonkwo as Morally Ambiguous Character Essay

â€Å"Things Fall Apart† by Chinua Achebe describes tribal life in the jungles of Africa and speaks about Ibo community before the arrival of a white man. The main character of the story, Okonkwo, can be described as morally ambiguous because, on the one hand, he is a man of greatness, although, on the other hand, such qualities as violence and gender discrimination are inherent to him. Certain aspects of novel, as, for example, his suicide at the end, show that his character is of ambiguous nature. Moral ambiguity is important for the overall theme of the story as the author is willing to prove that people are very rarely purely good or evil. Thus, Achebe tends to create characters that are more applicable for the readers, not to create moral standing images. (Leach, p. 1053) Okonkwo is morally dynamic character. On the one hand, he is sensitive to his family, children and friends, but, on the other hand, he attempts to rebel his father exhibiting the tendency to violence and power of physical strength. The author shows that his character is developed by the situation he is presented with. Thus, the character has to respond to swiftly changing situations and to act depending on them. In the beginning of the book we see that Okonkwo is respected and he is satisfied with his success. He works hard towards his goal to become rich and famous. He is a man of great physical and moral strength. The issue of moral ambiguity arises, when Okonkwo simply discards his father not respecting and following the qualities he exhibits. Lack of self-discovery and moral resolution shows ambiguous nature of the character. (Noromele, 200) The main character flaw is presented by Achebe as: â€Å"But his whole life was dominated by fear, the fear of failure and of weakness†¦It was not external but lay deep within himself. It was the fear of himself, lest he should be found to resemble his father†. (Achebe, p. 13) Okonkwo’s reflections about tribal order, family members and social status prove that Ibo society associates men only with strength. Okonkwo’s son by his first wife is described as a woman-like being a serious insult. After Ikemefuna’s death main hero can’t understand his sorrow asking himself: â€Å"When did you become a shivering old woman? † (Achebe, p. 62) The fear not to become fragile makes Okonkwo work hard accumulating material possessions and justifying his manhood – good harvest, wives and honors. His fear suppresses him to express the feelings of sympathy, gentles, empathy and compassion. Instead, he refers to violence to escape from frustrated emotions. For example, he prefers â€Å"wrestling during his youth and later becoming a renowned warrior†. (Achebe, p. 69) Achebe shows that Okonkwo is man of action rather than a man of thought. Okonkwo earns respect of villages due to his violence, but he doesn’t realize that violence will lead him to moral destruction, exile and ultimate death. Achebe illustrates that Okonkwo’s fear to become weak and fragile makes him commit numerous transgressions against social laws in community. Okonkwo beats his third wife during the Weak of Peace as the week is dedicated to the Earth goddess Ani. Achebe writes that Okonkwo â€Å"is not the man to stop beating someone half-way through, not even for fear of goddess†. (Achebe, p. 30) Okonkwo thinks that showing personal strength values more than displaying deference to goddess. The turning point in the story is when Okonkwo kills a young clansman at the funeral. He is exiled for seven years. When Okonkwo returns to his village, he sees the presence of white men and establishment of the new law. Instead of being supported to take revenge, Okonkwo faces hesitation and doubt realizing that the spirit of clan is dead. Summing up, Okonkwo is morally ambiguous character presented as a man of greatness, although being ready to violate social and natural laws. Okonkwo works hard to become rich and famous, but he permits violence and intolerance to justify his manhood. It is Okonkwo’s fear of weakness that leads him to moral destruction. In the end Okonkwo faces what he fears the most – weakness and inability to take action. In the image of Okonkwo the author shows that there are no purely good or evil personalities. Works Cited Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. London: Heinemann, 1958. Leach, Josephine. A Study of Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart in mid-America. The English Journal, 60, 8 (1971): pp. 1052-1056. Noromele, Patrick. 22 March 2000. The Plight of A Hero in Achebe s Things Fall Apart. College Literature, available at http://www. highbeam. com/College+Literature/publications. aspx